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Monday 15 November 2021

How Whispering THIS to Her Gets Her in Bed on Date #1 (Not What You Think)

how to make a woman want you

How To Make a Woman Want You So Bad That She Practically Begs to Come Over to Your Place–Even If It's the First Date (Or Sooner)…

Click Here to Discover the Subtle 3-Touch Sequence That Gets Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed…

The famous philosopher Aristotle was onto something when he said touch is primal and base.

Touch is the first sense, and it is the most important for crossing the line from desire… to doing the deed.

It's practically essential for two people to truly connect–and on top of that, touch is also good for you!

One recent study out of Carnegie Mellon University found that hugs, and “supportive social interaction” can boost your immune system.

But back to the important context–when you're on a date:

When you're looking at a woman, she's being aroused by the same ideas that you're having when you smile at her… but as you touch her, her body is making them more than a fantasy.

However… touch is one of those things that's easy to screw up when not done properly.

And that's because most guys either push too fast with touch… or not fast enough.

The key is to pace yourself.

And today, I'm going to show you how to lead up to that touch, so the next woman you go out with eagerly comes back to your place.

CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO: Can You Spot the Hidden Signs a Woman Is Interested In You? (Most Men Totally Miss These!)

Because ultimately, you have to engage her other senses first–that's where this “whispering trick” I'm about to show you comes in.

So let's start off with some basic things you can do–before touching–that make getting same night sex a lot more likely:

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5 Underrated Ways to Double Your Odds of Getting Laid on the First Date

There are a lot of little things you can do, that make getting sex on the first date way more likely.

1) You should wear a little bit of cologne.

The key is to be “lightly fragranced.” Never overdo something you're not an expert at.

2) Your breath should smell good.

Brush your teeth and floss–if you have the kind of teeth that attract small bits of food.

Food will rot and stink in a person's mouth. This is especially true of meat.

Just half an hour after eating meat, it will be noticeable to anyone more than an arm's length away from you.

(And if you've followed my tips so far, the woman you're on a date with should hopefully be closer than that by now.)

WARNING: These Shocking “Touch Tricks” Turn Hot Girls On & Make Them Want to Bang Your Brains Out (Don't Use These Unless You Want Sex Right Away!)…

3) Have smooth skin where it counts.

If you've taken my advice and used a tiny bit of oil after you shower, then your skin will be smooth and possibly lightly fragranced.

Rough hands are totally OK for a guy, but you want to keep your hands from looking too dry or ashy.

Find sources of moisture that work for you.

Some people can just use hand sanitizer or wash their hands and it's fine.

Others become uncomfortably dry and ashy mere hours after wetting their hands. It's different for every person.

4) Escalate with touch.

Try to always take baby steps of escalation with your touch.

If you are touching her and she's laughing and touching you back… then try getting your hands on her waist (for example).

Don't skip around, but stay there for a little bit. She'll notice, and it should feel pretty nice for you too.

I'll show you the 5th way to more than double your odds of getting laid on the first date in a bit, but first let's talk a little more about touching.

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What Role Does Touch Play in the Seduction Process?

Every time you are with your friends–especially guy friends, or your family–notice when you touch them.

You'll start to catalog innocent touches.

You'll easily notice that there's some touch that's obviously innocent. And there's some touch that crosses the line a little–it might be awkward or require context.

When you are with a woman, you should also be paying attention to your touch.

SPECIAL: Do You Know About This “Secret Elixir” That Makes Girls Chase You?

And that's because your touch should follow 3 different things:

The venue, the crowd, and the mood.

In other words, if you are on a subway car, then your touch is different than if you were in a dark jazz club (venue).

That changes, however, if you and she have been making out for an hour (mood).

And all of this will change again if the two of you are sitting with someone you know, like her sister or her ex-boyfriend (crowd).

Here's the best part:

You don't have to worry about ANY of this if you take baby steps when you touch her. You want to move up that touch ladder slowly–aiming to touch as much as possible, but watching her to see how she's responding.

I'll show you more about the actual touch technique you want to use in a bit…

But now let's get into my 5th tip:

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The Words Most Women Find Absolutely Irresistible…

5) Increase closeness with your words.

Getting close to a woman makes touching her more likely–but it does more than that too.

Closeness increases the ability to smell each other, to see each other, and to feel more intimate.

Closeness also means you can speak lower and yet be heard more.

Now not only is your rich voice on display, but you can express yourself more.

THE LATEST: This Simple Card Game Makes Any Woman Fall Deeply in Love With You (Click Here to Get It For FREE)!

What you communicate in your words, your breath and your voice become an important part of the conversation.

I've said before that emotion is irresistible to a woman, and when she is hearing everything you say up close–then the ball is in your court, my friend.

A great example of how this works so well is in the whisper:

When you whisper–or talk in the sexy tones of the bedroom–you are making her imagine being in bed with you before you ever invite her back to your place.

She can think about and act as though she is in the bedroom.

(Side note: This is a great tactic to use in dark, noisy venues.)

And as a result, this makes sex happen a lot more naturally.

Here's how:

how to make a woman want you

The “Secret Ingredient” That Seals The Deal & Gets Her to Sleep With You…

Whispering to a woman will get her to lean in closer to you… which is great, because this usually means she’s interested in you.

And this will also cause her to picture the two of you in bed together…

BUT if you want to make that fantasy a reality, and have sex with her that same night…

… then there is one more thing you need to do:

All you have to do is throw in a little touch.

And when I say little, I mean little.

You don’t want to do it in an obvious or “groping” manner.

You wanna do it in a subtle way that turns her on and makes her want to have sex with you even more…

… so when she wakes up in your bed the next morning, she'll think it was HER idea:

This short video tutorial will show you exactly how it’s done, step-by-step.

[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on September 30, 2019.]

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