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Tuesday 29 September 2020

Scientifically Proven: 5 Ways To Get…& STAY Hard


Erectile Dysfunction Causes… And the Best (All Natural) Path to Rock Solid Erections

Click Here to Discover 5 All-Natural Foods That Get You Hard-As-Steel FAST (Even If You Haven’t Had an Erection in Years)…

If you’ve been experiencing anything other than fireworks in the bedroom… something could be up. 

If you notice a decreased appetite for sex, difficulty getting or maintaining erections, or other performance issues, then you’ll want to look into the common causes of erectile dysfunction and some solutions that are immediately available to you. 

You don’t have to just accept a decrease in sexual performance as part of life — and you shouldn’t! 

Maybe a hundred years ago… but as you’ll see later, actually, some of the best boner boosters have been around for centuries, so no one should have ever had to settle for a sex life that peters out with age…

THE LATEST: If She Does This With Her Body It Means She REALLY Wants to Sleep With You!

Sexual health is an important part of your life and should never be ignored. 

Erectile dysfunction can have its roots in physical problems, emotional problems, and even relationship problems. 

What you eat, how much you sleep, and your activity levels are all important contributors to your sexual health. Sometimes, the causes of erectile dysfunction overlap. 

Luckily, there are many ways to combat the  common causes of erectile dysfunction, and a lot of them you can begin doing today: 

Erectile Dysfunction Facts

First, it’s helpful to understand what erectile dysfunction is and why exactly it happens.

Some signs of erectile dysfunction include difficulty getting and maintaining erections needed for satisfying sexual performance. 

The quality of erections is also commonly affected — in some severe cases, an erection is not even possible at all. 

Erectile dysfunction is more common in men over the age of 40, and affects 18 million men in the U.S. 

Erectile dysfunction can be a major source of frustration and concern for men and can result in psychological and emotional difficulties.

Why does it happen? Erectile dysfunction is often related to problems with bloodflow to the penis. In some cases, bloodflow fails to reach the penis, and in other cases, it fails to stay there. 

Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by nerve damage or problems with nerve signalling. Some erectile dysfunction causes are normal and natural, while some stem from health problems. 

Scientifically Proven: 5 Ways To Get…& STAY Hard

Causes of erectile dysfunction can be physical or psychological, and can even stem from lifestyle and relationship problems. 

Read on to learn about some of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction, and what you can do about it…

Most Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is commonly caused simply by getting older. (Boo!)

Nature intends for you to impregnate women when you’re younger, and as you get older, reproduction naturally becomes less of a priority for the body. 

But some erectile dysfunction causes are related to health conditions, so it is important to be aware of the potential issues. 

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Diabetes (high blood sugar) can be a cause of erectile dysfunction because it can damage nerves in the penis. Cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity are also known to be common causes of erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction can be a warning sign about any of these conditions, so it’s a good idea to schedule a physical exam if you haven’t had one recently. 

Some medications can also be erectile dysfunction causes. Antidepressants, high blood pressure medication, opioids, and antihistamines are all known to be potential causes of erectile dysfunction. 

You should not stop taking any medications that have been prescribed to you, but do ask your doctor if they think it might be a cause and if there might be alternatives or other options for you.

Scientifically Proven: 5 Ways To Get…& STAY Hard

Lifestyle Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Lifestyle choices can also be causes of erectile dysfunction. 

Diet and exercise are important for sexual health, and if they fall to the wayside, erectile dysfunction can show up as a result. 

It doesn’t take a lot to throw your hormones out of whack and to set back your sexual performance… 

For example, drinking too much alcohol is a well-known cause of erectile dysfunction, although usually only temporarily. Alcohol can work to increase sex drive up to a certain point, and after that threshold is crossed, reproductive organs are not going to be functioning optimally–if at all.

Limit your intake to a couple drinks a day, and if the beer cans have been piling up, consider switching to red wine, which will have more benefits to your sexual health.

Smoking tobacco is another common cause of erectile dysfunction. Smoking decreases bloodflow throughout the body — yes, including your penis. That reduced bloodflow will result in difficulty getting and maintaining erections. 

If you are a smoker, keep in mind that the effects of tobacco can be reversed if you stop smoking — meaning your sex life and your overall health will improve. 

Stress and anxiety are also common causes of erectile dysfunction. Sex and emotions are closely related

If you’re focused on stressful problems, sex is not going to be your body’s number one priority. This is simply a survival mechanism. Nature says: first, deal with immediate threats. Second, worry about reproduction. 

If you find yourself in a state of constant stress, your body may shut down sex drive and bloodflow to the penis. 

People often underestimate the impact of their workloads and their personal responsibilities on their mental health, and don’t usually realize that they can even be causes of erectile dysfunction. 

Consider whether your workload is too heavy, or if there is more pressure on you than usual. If you can, try to remove some of these stressors from your life to create some breathing room.

Scientifically Proven: 5 Ways To Get…& STAY Hard

Diet and Weight affect sexual performance

It’s important to note that an unhealthy diet is not going to make for the world’s most impressive erections. Eating lots of fatty, fried, and sugary food can cause erectile dysfunction, especially if it leads to weight gain, diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. 

Potato chips, donuts, and cheesy fries might be ridiculously tasty, but they aren’t worth more than your sex life!

An unhealthy diet makes it difficult for your body to function well, and can cause all kinds of interconnected problems that end up affecting sexual performance. 

For example, being overweight causes your body to turn testosterone to estrogen, and you need that testosterone in order to have healthy erections. 

WARNING: These Shocking “Touch Tricks” Turn Hot Girls On & Make Them Want to Bang Your Brains Out (Don’t Use These Unless You Want Sex Right Away!)…

Being overweight can also directly affect your energy levels. You might find yourself starting to feel more lethargic and less easily inspired to get moving. 

This will result in decreased bloodflow throughout your body, which is a common cause of erectile dysfunction. 

Being overweight can also be a serious problem for your self-esteem. If you’re feeling self-conscious in the bedroom, it can be a major distraction, and yes, it can contribute to erectile dysfunction. 

Both the health issues and psychological issues that stem from being overweight are liable to interfere with your sex life. 

Scientifically Proven: 5 Ways To Get…& STAY Hard

Low Testosterone Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction

Testosterone is the key sex hormone that is responsible for sex drive, muscle growth, hair growth, and general masculine qualities. It makes up your manly traits, and without it, things go awry. 

If your testosterone levels drop below a healthy, normal level, it is very possible to become a cause of erectile dysfunction. 

Low testosterone is not uncommon, and it is often a result of poor diet and lack of exercise. Testosterone levels also decline as you age, which means you have to do more to give them a bit of a boost. 

Testosterone levels can drop if you have an unhealthy diet, sedentary lifestyle, or are overusing drugs and alcohol. The consequences will show up in your bedroom sooner or later…

If you are really concerned about your testosterone levels, you can find out your exact testosterone levels with a blood test. Call your doctor to set up an appointment. 

erectile dysfunction causes

Lifestyle Tips to Diminish Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms

Since lifestyle plays such a significant role in sex drive and sexual health, changing your daily habits can go a long way in the effort to reduce erectile dysfunction symptoms. It may not be easy, but you can take it one day at a time.

Eating a diet full of fibrous, organic fruits and vegetables is a must if you want to maximize your sex drive. You don’t have to be the winner of Hell’s Kitchen to make an amazing veggie stir fry. Just chop them up, drizzle some olive oil on your cast iron, and fire up the stove. 

Be sure to bring your reusable bag every time you go to the grocery store and fill it to the brim with fruit and veggies. 

Purchase high quality meats and incorporate them into your diet. Ditch the highly processed stuff — it will most likely do more harm than good. The protein will help you build muscle and boost testosterone.

INSIDER SECRETS: This All-Natural 5-Food Formula Gives You Rock-Hard Erections (Click For The Recipe)…

Exercise is another important way to battle erectile dysfunction. Exercise helps all of your organs function better. It promotes bloodflow throughout the body, and is known to help boost testosterone. 

Get a gym membership and vow to get your money’s worth. Or, if the gym is not for you, set a weekly mileage goal for walking or jogging. The fresh air will do wonders for your mood while the exercise chisels your body into shape. 

Another way to improve your testosterone levels and reduce symptoms of erectile dysfunction is simply to get enough sleep. 

Eight hours should be your goal every night. There are apps you can use to track sleep quality and time. Consider setting up a “bedtime deadline” as well as some relaxing rituals to help you fall asleep faster. 

Spending extra time reading or cuddling in bed before it’s time to sleep can be great ways to relax, and you just might feel a bit more sexually inspired. 

Though it might seem surprising, meditation could be really helpful for boosting testosterone. This is because meditation and breathing practices work to regulate your nervous system. They decrease tension in the body and anxiety in the mind. 

Meditation improves bloodflow throughout the body and is a natural mood-booster. Trying it out will not hurt–you just have to have some patience. But if sitting still is just way too hard for you, you might want to consider movement practices like Tai Chi, Qigong, and yoga. 

These are forms of movement meditation that will also help you burn more calories…

Scientifically Proven: 5 Ways To Get…& STAY Hard

Natural Supplements Can Improve Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

There are quite a few supplements that you can use to increase testosterone. Some of them might already be lurking in your kitchen… 

Supplements usually have to be taken daily for months to show results, but it could be a helpful way to reduce symptoms of erectile dysfunction and reclaim your sex life. They come in forms of pills, powder, herbs, foods, and even sunlight.

D-aspartic acid, tribulus terrestris, maca powder, ginseng, and yohimbe are a few supplements that have been proven to yield helpful improvements to erectile dysfunction. 

Vitamin A is a supplement you can use by sitting in the sun, or you can buy it from most grocery stores. 

Ashwaganda is also used to improve sex drive and sexual performance. All of these can be ordered online if you’re not able to find them in your local grocery stores.

Scientific studies also show benefits from ginger, shellfish, red wine, and garlic can also be used on a daily basis to reduce signs of erectile dysfunction. 

Many of these work by promoting bloodflow throughout the body, which will definitely benefit your erection quality and duration. (Plus, they’re delicious.)

Try incorporating some natural foods and one or two herbs or supplements on a daily basis to see what works for you. Remember you will have to be patient, as many of these don’t work unless used every day for months. 

The good news is, most of the common ways to combat erectile dysfunction are actually good for your overall health. 

Eating well, exercising, sleeping, meditating, and taking healthy supplements can work absolute wonders for your mind and body. 

A lot of these approaches to health are relatively easy to incorporate, and won’t break the bank. 

Unlike the dangerous pills… which can cause SERIOUS health issues. Luckily, there are some all natural alternatives…

erectile dysfunction causes
Learn more about erectile dysfunction causes below…

The BEST All-Natural Supplement For Rock-Solid Erections…

Your mom was RIGHT about eating your greens!

We've all been there! “Eat your vegetables or you're not getting any dessert!”

Well…your Mom was onto something. Eating your vegetables DOES benefit your health in a ton of ways…but what she probably DIDN'T tell you (or at least I HOPE she didn't!)… is that vegetables… especially THIS specific combo of 5 vegetables… will give your sex drive a huge boost… and your d!ck the biggest, hardest erections you've ever experienced!

It's all down to the combo of compounds that naturally increase your bloodflow.

And THAT is really the key to a harder c*ck that'll keep women begging for more.

Scientists have now isolated these “erection-boosting” compounds… and put them in a single supplement that will give you all of the sexual benefits…

Find out more about it… and how to get a stash of these supps before they run out of inventory!

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The post Scientifically Proven: 5 Ways To Get…& STAY Hard appeared first on Gotham Club.

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