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Monday 18 October 2021

This “Pencil Trick” Makes Picking Up Hot Girls a Piece Of Cake

Picking Up Girls

Discover The Secret to Picking Up Girls Quickly, Easily & Without Ever Risking Rejection…

Click Here to Discover the Subtle 3-Touch Sequence That Gets Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed…

Naturally, I don’t like to be predictable. Who does?

But if you read my last article, then you already know what I'm going to be discussing this week:

Escalating with a girl you just met.

Because the truth is, this is a topic that stresses out a lot of guys.

And it used to stress me out too.

After all, what's involved in meeting a new woman, and eventually getting her to open up to you?

CONTROVERSIAL VIDEO: These Subtle Touch Tricks Get Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed (Even If You’re “Just Friends” Right Now)!

There's the place…

The choosing of the girl and the opening…

The conversation…

When do you start moving up that escalation ladder?

It's impossibly complex!

But I have since discovered a way to make this process a lot easier–it's something that almost entirely prevents rejection, and can easily get a girl to give you her number or agree to a date during your very first interaction with her.

It starts with a famous example from author and plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz.

His famous example was picking up a pencil, and today I'm going to extend that to picking up a new playmate.

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The Bizarre Link Between Picking Up a Pencil & Picking Up Hot Girls…

What’s involved in picking up a pencil? That is totally simple, isn’t it?

Which muscle do you start with?

Do you know?

On the other hand, do you know how to speak?

Do you know what you are trying to do when you start to wade your way through the first conversation with a new woman?

SHY OR INTROVERTED? Click Here to See Why Talking Less & Doing More of THIS Gets Her In Bed With You…

Sure you do.

However… when it's time to close your fingers around the pencil, do you know which muscles are involved, and in what order they will be used?

Probably not.

Yet, you are likely positive that you can pick up a pencil–and dubious about your ability to pickup women.

Something in this equation doesn't make sense.

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Is It Easier Because You Can Already See The Outcome?

It's surprising to me, but while many of my clients have heard about a wide range of self-improvement philosophies and thought leaders–like Tony Robbins and Napoleon Hill's Think & Grow Rich–most haven't even heard of the seminal work by Maxwell Maltz:


The basic point is that you have a Goal-Seeking Mechanism built into you. And this mechanism, like a stinger missile, mainly needs to know what you are going after.

In the case of women, do you know what you're going after?

You probably have a particular type. There's a particular set of physical features that turns you on, and ticks all your boxes.

As an example, I personally like a woman with a small waist.

I can't explain why, but although I've happily been with women who don't have that hourglass hip-to-waist-to-bust ratio… when I do have it between my hands, I have an additional thrill.

THE LATEST: This Simple Card Game Makes Any Woman Fall Deeply in Love With You (Click Here to Get It For FREE)!

That means that when I think about what I want–imagining myself walking into a bar or being approached at a coffee shop… if I picture the woman as having my ideal ratio, my excitement about this vision goes up.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

When you can picture the exact woman you want, your own imagination will rev up your motivation. It will push you past the hesitation to put yourself in a situation where rejection is a possible outcome.

These are some of the surface benefits of making a mental picture of your ideal woman–AND the successful experience of meeting her.

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Here's What This Looks Like In Action (And Why It Works So Well)…

The first step to using this “Pencil Trick” to successfully pickup hot girls is to truly imagine what you want in a woman.

I'll illustrate this with my own personal example.

To begin with, there are many other characteristics besides a small waist that excite me.

A lively imagination and a quick wit are harder to picture, but they massively increase my interest in a woman I've just met. In fact, they are “must-have” features for me.

So when you do this, make a list of the features that you want in a woman–and keep adding to it.

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Of course, it will start pretty simple:

“Hot. She's gotta be hot.”

But go deeper than that.

Maybe you want a nice hip-to-waist ratio like I do, or maybe you want your woman well-endowed, or “baby has to have back.”

Maybe it's legs.

I certainly do need a good pair of legs, and I'm also partial to small ankles.

Sexually adventurous?

A lot of guys have that as a “must-have,” especially if they've been with a woman who wasn't fulfilling them.

There is a much deeper benefit to this exercise too:

Somehow, when you've imagined being with your ideal woman–you are practicing what to do in the actual situation.

So when you see her in real life, you will be better at it.

You will have a much greater chance of success when you've already been there in your mind.

And here's how this helps you get her in bed with you:

Picking Up Girls

How To Use This “Pencil Trick” to Have Sex With Her…

Like I said, if you can picture a beautiful woman giving you her number, or leaning in to kiss you…

… then there’s a MUCH higher chance of it actually happening once you’re talking to her.

So here’s how to go from that initial touch or kiss… to having sex with her:

Use These 3 “Under-the-Radar” Touches

Because women are highly emotional, they make decisions based on what they feel…

And while these 3 touches do seem “friendly”… they will also make her feel kinda turned on if you use them right.

(That’s because they target 3 sensitive areas on a woman’s body, which are jam-packed with sexual nerve endings. Click here to see what I mean.)

So after a couple of minutes of using these touches, she’s going to get more and more turned on…

… and that’s going to make her want to have sex with you REALLY fast:

Click here to see exactly how to use these 3 “Under-the-Radar” Touches to make hot girls want to sleep with you fast.

[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on September 2, 2019.]

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The post This “Pencil Trick” Makes Picking Up Hot Girls a Piece Of Cake appeared first on Gotham Club.

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