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Tuesday 19 October 2021

The Science Of Arousal: New Study Reveals What Porn Gets Women Wet The Quickest (And It’s Not What You Think!)

do women like porn

Have You Ever Wondered: “How Much Do Women Like Porn… Actually?” Here's The Shocking Truth…

Tantric Expert & Controversial Sex Coach Reveals: “3 Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You For Again & Again”…

You’ve probably heard the expression “Boys will be boys.”

You’ve probably especially heard this expression related to, well, adult activities.

Let’s face it: in our culture, men have a reputation for being horndogs.

Teenage girls learn all about defense and keeping the boys at bay.

Movies and songs seem to have the same message: men are always trying to get it on, and women are more likely to be prudes.

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In fact, our culture sort of seems to have one message: men are more interested in sex than women! 

But guess what? 

That’s just not true! 

Research shows about half of all porn addicts are women. 

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New Science Proves Women May Be Way Hornier Than You Realize…

The science speaks for itself. A new study proves that, when it comes to sexual imagery, women can be just as aroused as men.  

I mean, women don’t exactly have a reputation for being porn addicts. 

But that could be because of our culture, instead of biology! 

Maybe women don’t watch porn (or maybe they just don’t talk about watching porn) as much as men, because it doesn’t exactly seem like a ladylike pastime. 

I mean, I’m pretty open-minded, and you’re not going to catch me bragging about throwing on “Jocks and Cocks” on a Saturday night. 

But that doesn’t mean women aren’t aroused by sexual images.

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In fact, according to the science, when it comes to sexy stuff, women are just as visual as men. 

Now, you may have heard that for men, the game is all mental. 

She doesn’t need to see you naked to get turned on, necessarily. She has to set up the right scenario in her head! 

And while a lot of sexual enjoyment is mental for women, it is for men, too! 

Of course, you’ve got to be in the right mood and head space to feel interested in sex. 

And by the same logic, women can get turned on by images, too. 

A new study was published in a fancy, peer-reviewed journal called Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 

This serious scientific journal had this to report: 

We don’t know very much about our brains!

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So What Kind of Porn Makes Her Brain (And Other Parts) Light Up The Most?

Nope, we really don’t. They’re so complicated and mysterious, they’re sort of like the deep sea, or outer space. 

While the brain is a complex mystery, there are some things we do understand about sex and the mind. And we’re learning more every day. 

This study, for example, revealed that sexual arousal in men and women is much more similar than we previously believed. 

Some scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics carried out the experiment. 

These fine folks showed men and women sexually arousing images and films, and then they hooked them up to special machinery that monitored their brain activity while they viewed the material. 

Turns out, men and women’s brains acted exactly the same! 

Before this study, we might have guessed that women would be more turned on by a certain emotional situation, or the experience of emotional intimacy.

Meanwhile, we might have guessed that men would be more aroused by sexy pictures. 

Nope! Men and women were both equally aroused by the sexy films and pics they were shown. 

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It Doesn’t End There…

Whoa. My mind is blown! Hm…pun intended?  

So how did these scientists get their results?

Well, they used a technology called fMRI, or functional magnetic resonance imaging, to make a map of active areas of the brain.

Then they looked at brain scans of 1,850 men and women who were shown arousing imagery, from pictures to film.

When the viewers were aroused, their brains looked exactly the same through fMRI, whether they were men or women.

Of course, if they weren’t turned on by something, the sexual arousal areas of their brain didn’t activate. And not everyone is into the same thing.

So maybe a man was really into the sexy nurse bit, but a woman in the same study wasn’t. Meanwhile, when the woman watched the sexy UPS delivery man clip, the same things happened in her brain.

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In other words, when it comes to sexy images and films, women are horndogs just as much as men! 

 It’s all about finding something that actually turns them on. 

Now, this doesn’t mean your girlfriend is going to want to watch all your favorite porn, or watch it with you, or hear all about it, or act it out with you. 

I mean, I don’t know her—maybe she’s a wild one!

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But this does mean that women are sexual beings, just as much as men. 

If you stop, look, listen, and pay attention to what she’s into, you can tap into her freakier side, and your future sex life will thank you. 

When it comes to matters of the bedroom, we’re not as different as we believe! 

And here's how you can use this to get a hot girl to show you her more sexual side right away ;-):

do women like porn

What’s The Fastest Way to Sexually Arouse a Woman Without Any Porn?

If you’re trying to seduce a woman, or turn her on, you might be wondering where to start…

How about with these three stealthy, yet surprisingly arousing touches? ←

Each of these touches seems very innocent, and flies right under any woman’s radar…

But I’m telling you right now, being touched like this will turn a woman on FAST… trust me I know first-hand 😉

Even when a complete stranger touches me in these spots, I get a little *tingly*… especially if my mind was on sex already, which is pretty often lol!!

And I’m a tiiiiny bit ashamed to admit it… but when a guy knows how and where to touch me, and in the right order (that’s CRUCIAL)… 9 times out of 10, I go home with him.


If you want to get a hot girl dripping wet…

Ready and excited to go home with you…

To the point that she rips your clothes off, and pounces on you like a wild lioness tackling a gazelle the moment she gets you to herself…

Then click here now to learn where to touch her… how to touch her… and the exact right order to touch her to make her dripping wet… and ready to hookup with you THAT same night.

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The post The Science Of Arousal: New Study Reveals What Porn Gets Women Wet The Quickest (And It’s Not What You Think!) appeared first on Gotham Club.

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