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Monday 4 October 2021

Is It Time to Move On From Her? This ONE Question Gives You The Answer

time to move on

How To Know If She's Worth the Effort Or Wasting Your Time (And How to Still Get Laid Either Way)…

Click Here Now to Discover the Secret Signs She’s H*rny And Wants to Go Home With You…

If you're dating a woman in medical school because you want to date a doctor… you can feel pretty secure in this oncoming future.

If, on the other hand, you are dating a girl who just started taking guitar lessons because you want to date a famous musician… then you are playing very long odds.

The woman in medical school runs a high probability of becoming a doctor. Of course, that doesn't automatically mean she'll stay with you.

She'll make her decision when you make yours.

The guitar player, meanwhile, will probably keep seeing you… but it's a pretty slim shot that she'll also become super talented and famous while you're in her life.

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The point is–and you'd better commit to it now–you are in the present, making decisions in the present and living life in the present.

Don't date the future.

Otherwise, you may end up feeling stuck in a relationship… and with no way to get out.

A recent study found that 45% of Americans believe their sex life is “stuck in a rut.” On top of that, according to data from Ashley Madison, more women cheat than men.

So as a man, it often doesn't pay off to stick it out when you know the grass might be greener somewhere else.

Today, I'm going to show you how to figure out if the girl you're dating right now is “worth it”–or if there are bigger & better things out there waiting for you.

Plus, if she's not “worth it,” I'll also show you how to get over her and meet new women as fast as possible.

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The #1 Thing to Remember Before Investing Your Time & Effort in A Woman…

If you're dating a woman because of who you think she will become… remember that you are with her now.

Of course, it's great to be prepared for the future.

But don't imagine that you can put up with things you don't want today, for a woman you want in the future.

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Is she difficult now, but you feel like she'll soften up once you give her the ring…?

Or once she meets your parents…?

Is she really messy now, but willing to change the way she dresses?

Is she not really that smart, or interesting, or active… but she's hot and seems “willing to change”?

You are dating the girl she is now. The girl she will be is part of your decisions, but it should not be part of your decisions.

Don't get me wrong–if the girl she'll be in her future will check all of your boxes, yeah, that's nice.

I'm all for getting in early on a good investment (so to speak).

The challenge comes when you are not happy with what you have today.

If you'd love her to change, that's fine.

If you need her to change, then you may have a problem.

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Is She A Good Alligator Or a Nasty One?

If you keep on investing in a woman who you believe will become better, even though it doesn't seem like she's making much progress–then you will have to realize that she may be an “alligator,” as they say in real estate.

This means you may be wasting your time.

I’m not at all trying to talk you out of falling in love with future girl.

Her future is coming.

You may not be able to predict it accurately, but you’d better believe it amplifies your attraction… if you’re not only attracted to the girl you have now, but you’re also into the girl she’s becoming.

That’s the best.

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The key word, however, is also.

You can’t dislike what you’ve got, but hope for the redeeming future.

You can’t keep throwing money at the table saying your luck’s gonna change.

I can hardly imagine a better situation–I doubt you can, either–than being with a girl you connect with and adore, and growing together toward the future.

Having the past and the present in common as you move to the future makes your relationship richer, deeper and more and more connected.

That’s when you want what you have, and want even more what you think is coming.

Make your money on the way in.

“Well, David, that’s not what I have.”

So maybe that isn't the situation you're in right now.

If you're with a girl who you thought would be perfect for you in the future–but is acting intolerable now–then I have a couple remedies for you.

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Ask Yourself This Question to Learn The Truth…

“So what can I do?”

To reiterate, and I can’t say it enough:

If you are suffering in the present–if who she is now is intolerable without who she may be in the future–then let go of her now.

Cut your losses… but not so fast.

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The truth, in almost every scenario I see–is that it's not a simple matter of “bad present” and “good future.”

In reality, you are in control of your own suffering for the most part.

Human beings are multi-faceted, wonderful diamonds, with light reflecting in every direction.

If you don't like the girl she is now, perhaps you are not looking at her right.

By changing your perspective, you can usually figure out a way to enjoy being with her now, while still hoping for the future.

That's the one question that tells you whether or not you're wasting your time with her:

“Can I change my perspective?”

The answer will often come in the form of getting closer to her, or paying more attention, or being more patient.

Basically, instead of waiting for her to be “right” for you, you find the things about her that are in line with your ideal woman right now.

Because at the end of the day, feeling good about the woman you're with will make you feel better right now.

Of course, not every woman is worthy of this kind of compromise…

So if that's the case, here's what I recommend instead:

time to move on

But What If She’s STILL Not A Good Fit For You?

Sometimes even a change in perspective isn’t enough to get you to settle down with her, and hey it happens.

But that’s OK…

Because you can still find a woman who IS the right fit for you.

And you know who are the best women to start with?

I say they’re the women who are already interested in you.

The women who are EXCITED about the idea of you going up to them and striking up a conversation.

The women who are enthusiastic to please you…

And trust me, there are A LOT of these hot girls out there.

You see… when a woman likes you, she’s not just going to straight up tell you that she's interested, or grab your face and kiss you out of nowhere.

So how do you figure it out?

Well it's because women are always dropping these non-verbal signals about how they’re feeling.

And most of these signals are almost impossible to spot with the untrained eye…

Though once you know what to look for, it may surprise you to see how many women like you & want to get sexual with you:

Click here to see more…

[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on August 19, 2019.]

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The post Is It Time to Move On From Her? This ONE Question Gives You The Answer appeared first on Gotham Club.

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