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Thursday 18 February 2021

What Film Makes Her Drop Her Panties Before the Credits? (Hint: It’s NOT Porn)

There’s a Movie That Will Make Her Horny… And You’ll Both Be Naked Before the Popcorn is Gone

Click Here to Discover the Subtle 3-Touch Sequence That Gets Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed…

Relationships are tricky.

There are so many steps: meeting a woman, first dates, third dates, keeping things fresh…

Every step of the way is filled with landmines:

Go this direction, and BOOM — she blows up.

Go that direction, KAPOW! your sex life is boring and stale…

What if I told you there’s one movie you can watch with a hot girl that has all the answers?

TRENDING: These 3 Tinder Secrets Get Hot Girls to Come Over & Hookup…

Dating… attraction… love… romance… flirting… this movie will brush up on all of those skills.

I make all my clients watch it, almost as a master class in dating.

And the best part…  you can learn so much from watching it alone…

But if you watch it with a woman, she finds it so hot… it’s almost like watching porn… though given that Scarlett Johanson and Penelope Cruz are in it… it's unfortunately NOT porn. 🙁

Every time I have watched this movie with a woman, we have had sex before the movie ended.

Every. Single. Time.

Watch the video to find out what this movie is… and how it can even help you start the conversation about having a threesome:

Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…

Vicky Cristina Barcelona.  

Vicky Cristina Barcelona. 

Remember the name of this movie; it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. 

Everyone who comes to my workshop, I make them watch this movie. 

If you want to learn dating, if you want to master your attraction skills, your love skills, your romance skills, or your flirting skills: 

This is the movie to watch.  

movie that will make her horny
Keep scrolling for more details on the #1 movie that will make her horny…

I love this movie, because in this movie, they show two couples going through a romantic journey and you see a complete contrast. 

One couple, who's all business-y they're always talking about business. And the dates are boring as hell. 

On the other side, a different couple is enjoying their life. They go out and have picnics, paint together, they do things together, and they have a nice romantic, fun life…. 

On top of that, that is something very interesting you see in that movie, that is Scarlett Johansson’s relationship. You see that her relationship with her ex husband is full of conflict– and then they find a balance when a new person comes into their life. 

So when you watch a movie like this, you start to realize that relationships take place in many different forms. 

There is no one way there is no right or wrong way. 

And your thoughts about how to handle your dealings with women change.  Your expectations about love, relationships, and sex, completely changes. 

It did that for me. And it did that for most of my clients who have watched this movie. 

Make Her Dream About a Threesome… Tonight

Another good thing about this movie is if you are ever dating a woman, and for some reason have stalled, (she likes you but somehow that sexual tension is dying and the sex is not happening) make sure you sit and watch this movie with her. 

It's happened to me on a few occasions where things have stalled, things were just not going anywhere. We were together not knowing what's coming next, not knowing what we should do next. 

Every time I watched this movie with them, sex happened before the movie ended. 

movie that will make her horny

And it's because when you watch this movie, you see so many liberating themes.

The guy approaches a girl and says straightaway, “Let's go and make love.”

THE LATEST: 3 Secret “Touch Tricks” That Get Hot Girls Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed!

And then there are amazing love making scenes to a point where it's almost like porn to women. I have had a woman sitting next to me watching this say:

“What are we watching? This feels like porn…” 

And they get aroused… 

When women watch this movie they experience a mental shift. 

They can change when they start a new relationship, and that a new relationship can happen in many ways. 

So whatever obstacles they had in their mind, whatever objection that was holding them back — it disappears because this movie.

The subject matter of this movie frees them to become more willing to cross the boundaries, to take the chance to try something new…

and your relationship takes off.

Also this is a great movie to watch if you're someone who wants to explore open relationships, swinging, or threesome. This movie shows you that love does not have to be traditional. 

You can still be with someone, really love them, and explore other possibilities. Bring in other people into the mix, be with other people, and your love can be intact. 

In fact, the movie conveys that often, having other people into the mix can make your relationship come to life and make it much stronger. 

It has many great themes that can help your relationship and any and every aspect that you're dealing with. 

I highly recommend you watch this movie. 

You're going to learn a lot about dating & relationships. 

And you can use this to jumpstart your existing relationship. You can watch this movie and it will strengthen your bonds. 

It will help you both open up more relaxed around each other overall, you're going to benefit in many, many ways. 

movie that will make her horny

If She’s Not Making the First Move… Do THIS to Move Things Forward…

So if for some reason she still seems cold or a little “distant” when you watch this movie… (maybe she’s really tired or had a long day at work for example)…

Try touching her like this ←

Believe it or not… women need “green lights” to keep escalating to sex too.

Like if you’re not pushing forward toward sex… a lot of women think:

“I really want to have sex with him… am I not attractive enough? Why isn’t he going for it?”

Now this isn’t “I wish he’d feel me up and unzip my pants while the opening credits are rolling…”

It takes a little bit of finesse… and often times the most successful touches? Are really kinda “friendly” and “under-the radar”… and not so “overt.”

Well… at least at first. There’s a very specific order of touches that does get a girl really hot-and-bothered… enough to where she’ll unzip you… take you out… and (sometimes) start giving you a hummer within 30 minutes of the movie starting…

So if THAT sounds like something you’re interested in… some very “friendly” touches that turn things really sexual with a hot girl, REALLY fast… I made a free video showing you how to do them right here:

3 “Turn-On Touches” That Result in Fast Sex With Hot Girls

P.S. – Remember how I mentioned that the order of these touches is crucial? Yeah–I’ll show you the correct order and how to do each touch in the video–click here to watch it now…

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The post What Film Makes Her Drop Her Panties Before the Credits? (Hint: It’s NOT Porn) appeared first on Gotham Club.

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