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Tuesday 2 November 2021

6 Easy Tips For Having Spicier & More Spontaneous Sex (Even If Your Schedule Is Jam-Packed)

spontaneous sex

Discover The Scientifically Proven Strategies to Make Her Crave You Constantly (& Get Her to Initiate Sex WAY More)…

Click Here to Discover 3 Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You For Again & Again…

Everybody knows the feeling. That new-love, can’t-get-enough fire that seems like it will never burn out.  

I mean, you basically have to drag new couples out of the bedroom to get them to do stuff like go to work and wash the dishes, right?

Remember those days? They’re so intense they’re hardly sustainable.

The sheer amount of calories you’re burning with all that doin’ it would very quickly waste you away!

That’s why relationships settle into a more normal pattern over time. It happens to all of us.

And the comfortable rhythm of a relationship you’ve had for a long time is great, right? You trust and support and understand each other.

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Maybe some of the fire of your earlier days is gone, but it’s replaced with a steadier burn that can withstand windstorms. 

That’s all well and good. But as relationships last longer and longer, the way you express your love for each other might change. 

In fact, maybe you’ve even begun scheduling sex—putting it on your calendar, right there next to your dentist appointment. 

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Did You Know Nearly 30% Of Couples Schedule Sex More Often Than Not?

 If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. 

After all, according to new research, 29.9 percent of married couples involved in a new study report that they often schedule sex, while 27.1 percent always schedule it! 

It’s certainly not a strange thing to do, and it can be a great way to keep the romance alive and steamy amid busy lives—careers, families, you name it.

But I’m guessing you sort of miss some of the spontaneous passion of your younger years, am I right?

What about those sly make-out sessions in the elevator before anyone else gets on? Or doing it before you even put the dishes away, on the kitchen floor? Or in the shower?

How about the car? Or in the restroom at that very same dentist’s office!?

(Gasp! That definitely is not legal…) 

No, scheduled sex might not feel spontaneous. 

After all, a lasting relationship is like a comfortable sweater. After a while, you might forget you’re wearing anything at all. 

You might forget to appreciate each other physically, unless you literally put it on your calendar. 

Now, if you’re starting to worry that scheduled sex might begin to feel like a chore—never fear!

There are loads of ways you can revitalize your love life, even if you do so every Tuesday at exactly 7:00 p.m.

So how’s a guy to spice up scheduled sex and bring back spontaneity and fun?

Read on to learn some expert-approved methods! 

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1) Bring Your Phone Along 

First, silence the ringer! 

Ok, now that’s done, open your camera app! 

See where this is going? 

Let’s face it, our cell phones have great cameras for a reason. At your next date night, give your lens something more interesting to look at than your family pet or last vacation. 

Instead, make some steamy, amateur adult films of your own! You’ll be surprised how getting behind the camera can make the experience feel completely different. 

Just remember not to text your creations to your boss! 

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2) Embrace Technology (Literally!)

You’ve only got ten fingers. Your partner only has ten toes. There are only so many places you can put those fingers and toes, and only so many ways you can use the rest of your body parts. 

After a couple of decades of experimenting, you might be craving something new.  

Spice up your next scheduled sex session with…you guessed it…sex toys! 

Maybe help her along by taking charge of the vibrator, or see what all the fuss is when it comes to vibrating cock rings. 

Your local sex shop will be loaded with new adventures, and you can check it out together as a twist on your usual date night. 

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3) Back To Body Basics 

While toys can be a great way to make scheduled sex more fun, there’s also something to be said for good ‘ol skin on skin. 

After you’ve been with your partner for many years, you may start to take each other’s bodies for granted. 

Remember that little mole on her tummy that used to drive you wild? 

Forgot about it, huh? 

Maybe it’s time it got some more attention! 

During your next schedule sex session, slow down and really appreciate and admire each other’s bodies. 

You don’t need to be rock hard bodybuilders for this to be fun. Spending time fondling the little details of your partner’s body is sure to make your sexy time more intimate, and make you feel closer together, to boot. 

INSIDER SECRETS: 3 “Touch Tricks” That Turn Her On FAST (Controversial Video)…

4) Surprise Her! 

You might be having sex on a schedule, but that doesn’t mean you have to share all the details in advance! 

Try this: take turns coming up with new adventurous activities to try together. Maybe that means a new place, a new toy, a new position, a new film…you name it, you can do it. 

Now, don’t tell your partner what you’re planning in advance (unless you think it’s something you should ask about first, to get approval. Like, she might not want you to rent a donkey without a quick convo.) 

Surprise her with whip cream, with a silk handkerchief, with a feather duster—and next time, let her take the reins! 

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5) Set A “Theme”

Can’t afford a Greek vacation just now? That’s okay! Make your next scheduled sex session all about Ancient Athens. (Or something—the sky is the limit!) 

Feed each other grapes, wear togas, maybe even douse each other in the shower, as if you’re in a fancy Greek bath. 

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Using some imagination can make the experience new and exciting. You might even find yourselves laughing together, too. 

In fact, you can even experiment with some spicy roleplay if you really want to take things to the next level.

This one might compliment your theme nicely. Are you Zeus, and is she Athena? 

Are you the refrigerator repairman, and is she the bored housewife, lounging around in her bathrobe? 

Playing different parts can let both of you explore different sides of your sexuality, and keep each other guessing!

spontaneous sex

6) Be All-In

Something that happens as part of a routine, over and over again, might be easy to do on autopilot… like driving to work.

So if you can stay out of your head and be really present, focus on what’s going on and pay close attention to your partner… your sex life will soar.

She’ll feel appreciated, you’ll feel engaged, and you’ll both see fireworks. 😉

And by far the easiest way to do this?

Try experimenting with some exciting “rougher” sex moves… like these 3 that almost every hot girl secretly LOVES! ←

Believe it or not, rough sex is something that pretty much all women crave…

And personally NOTHING makes me more excited to hop into bed with a guy, than when I know he’s not afraid to “rough me up” a bit *mmmmmmm*… it’s just SO HOT!

The real question you should ask yourself is HOW rough should you get though…

Because some girls just want to be choked a little, or get spanked every now and then… while others want to be bruised and sore by the time you’re done.

(I fall somewhere right around the middle to be honest… like yes, spank me PLEASE… but don’t hogtie me to the bed lol)

So that’s why I highly recommend testing the waters with these 3 rough sex moves, developed by a certified tantric expert…

They're designed to give women INSANE amounts of pleasure, using very little effort… and you can click the one you wanna know more about below:

1) The “Dominant Hand Hold”
2) The “S&M Spank”
3) And my personal favorite… The “Goldilocks Choke”

P.S. I’m telling you right now… many women get WILDLY disappointed when a guy doesn’t get rough with them… so if you want to make hot girls EXCITED to bang you again, trust me… try getting a little rough.

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