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Thursday 4 November 2021

3 Low-Effort Style Hacks That Get Hot Girls to Notice & Compliment You (Regardless of Your Height, Weight Or Body Type)

style hacks for men

Discover The Surprising Style Hacks For Men That Get You Laid Much Faster (And Why It's a Lot Easier Than You Probably Think)…

Click Here to Discover the Secret Signs She Wants You BAD (That Most Men Totally Miss)…

We’re going to talk about clothes.

Yes, I do have the right to talk about this, because a lot of people think–erroneously, mind you–that I am an authority of some sort.

That’s actually WHY I want to discuss it, because I’d like to clarify what it is, and what it isn’t.

I’d like to give you the important information regarding style so you are not wasting time on all the fluff.

And there’s a lot of fluff.

A lot of people who meet me think I have style.

Well, they’re right. I obviously do have style, and that’s why so many people echo that sentiment.

I don’t, however, care much about it.

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Everyone seems to think–and many will argue–that style, fashion, clothing, is one of the ways I express myself.

Let’s debunk that and a few other myths right now.

Clothing, fashion, style is NOT a method of self-expression for me.

I don’t know what’s right and honestly I don’t really care that much.

In fact, I can think of several people for whom style/clothing/fashion/dress is DEFINITELY a means of self-expression–they’d tell you that themselves–and I don’t really care for the way they dress!

I can’t say it’s no good, ‘cause really, what do I know?

It’s not terribly important to me, so I don’t have that much to say about why or if they are ‘in style’ or “on trend” or “fashionable.”

I CAN tell you however if they look good.

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That’s what matters to me.

I want to look good. At least as good as I can with as little effort as possible.

So, basically, I steal other people’s style. I steal good looks and good outfits from whatever image I find.

While I don’t think of the way I dress as an area either of creativity or of self expression, I can–like most people, probably–recognize when someone looks good.

When I say good, in fact, I’m not speaking from any authority. I mean that I notice them, you do too, and I’m enjoying looking at them.

That’s really all I’m going for.

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If someone wears the same suit as me; wears the same color shirt or tie… I don’t care.

My friends who express themselves with fashion would be livid. I really don’t care–in fact, I’d usually point it out and make some joke, like, “I’m glad you got the memo!”

[And then I’d look myself up and down and look them up and down to make the point clear–even pointing at the matching clothing if they’re not “getting it.”]

So despite this complete denial, I have pointers for YOU?


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My 3 Low-Effort Style Hacks That Get Hot Girls to Notice & Compliment You Everywhere You Go…

To start with, find someone with your look.

I’m talking about a celebrity, but this could also be a guy who lives in your building or a person on a commercial or–quite frankly–a random gay guy.

The point is you’ve seen them and they are supposed to look good–or you think they look good.

Now, please understand, I’m not talking about some guy who is flamboyant or whom you can’t ignore because of his loud, courageous outfit.

I don’t mean, in any way, to find someone whose image you think OTHER people like.

I don’t mean, at all, to find someone with a zoot suit or some outfit that looks like performance art.

I mean to find someone–that you see regularly, or that you’ve seen in a show, or that you have a picture of–who looks good to you. Who meets YOUR criteria for the way they dress.

YOUR criteria is YOURS. It could be anything that fits within your comfort zone, like “not fancy, not feminine, never loud” or “always conservative” or “natural fibers only” or “nothing that needs to dry clean” or “neat” or “comfortable”…

There are always rules–silly or serious–that you use as reasons you don’t dress “well” or “up” or whatever.

I’m not asking you to break them.

I’m saying that within the unavoidable limits of YOUR body and YOUR face and YOUR height, PLUS the desired limits of YOUR preferences, there is almost certainly someone who looks good.

How do they dress?

Suits? Jeans and T-shirt? Androgynous outfits?

It's probably not super complicated or hard to replicate.

You probably have things in your closet with which you can replicate this look, even if you’ve never worn them together.

That’s all, plus three rules.

The rules are simple and if you are just doing your best to look your best–as I am–these rules are enough to add to “generally trying” and make you look great. Like you know what you’re doing, and like you spend money on it.

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1) Wear clothes that fit your body. 

That’s not subjective.

I’m not recommending you use your judgement. There are measurements that are correct. That’s all.

Not baggy, not tight.

This is simple and easy to see. If you are smaller it is MORE important for you that your clothes are not too BIG.

If you are larger (especially overweight) it is especially important that your clothes aren’t tight or undersized.

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2) Two colors, max. 

That doesn’t mean you have to wear two colors–as the art students in New York have always proven by going all black. (Which is not even a color.) 

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It means, for example, that unless you have a very specific plan, stay away from a two-color shirt with a third color pants, or plaid against a new color.

Also, socks should match your shoes or your pants.

style hacks for men

3) One pattern max. 

That means a polka dot shirt doesn’t go with herringbone trousers, for example.

And believe it or not… just following this simple principle, in combination with the two other rules I showed you above, will have women telling you… “I like the way you dress.”

Of course, that’s probably your next question:

“How can I hookup with these girls who notice me because of the way I dress?”

Well for this… you have two options:

1) Learn a really complicated line or “routine”… try it out on girls… work with a lot of girls who “don’t get it” or whatever… and probably a lot of rejection to go with it…


2) Use these 3 shocking touches that get women WILDLY turned on.

I know which one I always go for… haha…

Touch is great because it’s another step closer to hooking up with her… and it shows her that you’re interested in her sexually…

But without being creepy about it. And without outright announcing it right to her face.

Nope–these 3 Shocking Touches are much better. They give her that “warm, tingly” sensation that she really wants to feel… that “connection” that seems like natural chemistry…

But the entire time… you are in control of everything… and you’re leading her, step-by-step, back to your place (or hers)…

Until before you know it, she’s in your bed, naked, and riding you like Seabiscuit on the final stretch at Saratoga.

Here’s what these 3 Shocking Touches are… where (& how) to do them… and the perfect sequence to use them in to turn her on REALLY FAST:

3 Shocking Touches That Make Her Hook Up With You FAST!

P.S. Often times, guys confuse this touch as being a really good idea… when in fact it sends most girls running for the hills. Next time, do me a favor and try this Shocking touch instead…

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