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Friday 15 October 2021

Is Her Mind Dirtier Than You Realize? New Survey Reveals American Women Think About Sex A LOT (Here’s How It’ll Get You Laid)

how often women think about sex

Discover The Truth About How Often Women Think About Sex–And How It Can Get You Laid Much Sooner Than You Ever Thought Possible…

Click Here to Discover 3 Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You For Again & Again… 

You guys. To be honest I’m so relieved to have found some new research that basically proves I’m not a weird sex maniac.

See, I think about sex quite a lot, like multiple times a day.

And sometimes I’m not sure if this is the norm because it’s not exactly an appropriate topic most of the time so it can seem like it’s not as big a part of other people’s minds.

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WELL, a survey just revealed that the average American thinks about sex EIGHT hot times a day, and even talks about it FIVE times per day. 

This includes women. 

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Inside The Survey That Revealed American Women Are WAY More Comfortable Talking About Sex Than You Might Think…

Of the 2,000 people surveyed, 65% felt comfortable talking about their sex life (hallelujah). 29% were *very* comfortable (*raises hand*). 

Have you ever been in one of those social situations where someone makes a joke about sex and is met with uncomfortable half-responses or silence?

It does take skill to find a way to talk about sex with others, especially others you don’t know particularly well.

A lot of people don’t realize how much everybody already thinks about sex, and since our culture is always using sex for advertising rather than as a discussion point, we get confused about whether it’s an appropriate topic for social settings.

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Of course, it totally depends and you want to respect others’ boundaries, but ultimately, the truth is that as humans, sex is as natural as eating and sleeping.

We’re just kind of funny about sexual pleasure, aren’t we? It has become taboo.

This isn’t true in every culture! The way we talk about these topics shapes what is normal and what is not.

SO, of the significant takeaways of this survey is that you can magnificently grow your confidence when speaking with women, knowing that they ALREADY have sex on their mind.

You don’t need to CONVINCE women to think and talk about sex, you just have to open the doors to what is already there.

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How To Get a Woman to Talk About Sex With You (Without Freaking Her Out)…

A huge reason a women might not want to discuss sex is if she doesn’t feel comfortable with who she is talking to. 

So if you’re interested in a woman, make sure you can demonstrate a respect for her boundaries, an interest in who she is, and a willingness to let conversation move naturally.

A lot of men get confused about asserting their sexuality, thinking they need to say or do something overtly sexual to indicate that they are sexually active and interested.

But actually there are more subtle and mature ways to go about this. You can speak with a sensual voice (lower tone and not fast), or relax your body while interacting with a woman.

Always allow room for her to talk, and express sex positivity by not putting down different forms of healthy sexuality.

For example, even if homosexuality is not for you, you shouldn’t say anything negative about it because it may make you seem sexually closed.

Showing comfort with variations in sexuality is seriously attractive. It never bothers me when a man is interested in women and men.

It actually tells me he is in touch with himself and therefore more likely to be skilled in the bedroom.

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The Time I Watched a Conversation Go From Gardening to BDSM in 60 Seconds FLAT…

Once a woman sees your natural sexuality and has started to feel safe with you, she might straight-up shock you with the next conversation topic. 

I was lucky enough to overhear a conversation in a bar the other night.

The man was older, probably in his 50’s chatting with a woman in her late 20’s. He had bought her a drink and kept a respectful distance, not pressuring the conversation one way or another.

And I swear to you after one drink they went from talking about gardening to bondage in a span of about 60 seconds. And why?

Because that’s what both of them were originally interested in talking about, and they felt good enough about each other to let that conversation fall into place.

WARNING: These Shocking “Touch Tricks” Turn Hot Girls On & Make Them Want to Bang Your Brains Out (Don’t Use These Unless You Want Sex Right Away!)…

A couple drinks later they were laughing and touching shoulders and hands.

I winked at the bartender who also knew what was going on, and I ended up getting a couple free drinks and a dirty conversation myself.

I’m not going to tell you how that night ended but let’s just say everyone got what they wanted.

See, it’s a huge relief when we discover that other people feel open about sex.

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If You Make a Woman Feel These 2 Things She’ll Show You Her TRUE Sexual Desires…

Women today are probably more open to sex than ever before. We just need to feel safe and comfortable and then we show our true colors.

I can’t overly stress the importance of setting the right tone. If a man comes up to me and ask my thoughts on BDSM, I’ll tell him to kindly **** off. 

But if he shows that he is respectful of my space and is taking some time to get to know me, it won’t be long before he finds out what a dirty mind I have.

TRENDING: 3 Shocking Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You for Again & Again…

So if you’re wanting to get sexual with a woman, know that a conversation can get you started, but you have to ease into it. 

Always respect boundaries, make it clear you’re not just being a creep or a predator, and take an interest in the dynamic qualities each woman has. 

If you do this, I have a feeling you’ll be surprised how much easier it is to catch and keep a woman’s interest.

But I know that's all pretty vague… so let me get a little more specific ;-):

how often women think about sex

Now You Know All These Hot Girls Are Secretly Craving C*ck… Do THIS to Get Them In Bed:

So you’ve got all these secretly horny women walking around… fantasizing about sex… repressing themselves…

What you may not realize is that all you need is one little “spark”

And you can easily get a hot girl turned on, dripping wet, and ready to ride you like a sorority girl on a mechanical bull.

So here’s how to make it happen: touch her in one of these 3 “innocent” places.

Personally, something very few people know about me is I’ve dated a lot of Latino men in the past.

Brazilian men, Hispanic men, and Italian men in particular make me melt… because like many women out there, I can’t resist a man who knows how to touch me the “right” way.

Touching is ingrained in their culture for a lot of these men, and they’ve been touchy all their lives… so they’ve learned over the years how to touch women in a way that seems appropriate and friendly….

Though to a woman who's secretly horny… this kind of touch drives me (and most women) CRAZY… and takes us right up to the edge…

To the point that we MUST have sex… RIGHT NOW:

Click here to discover 3 “innocent” touches that will unleash her inner horniness, get her to rip your clothes off and use you for her pleasure right then and there.

P.S. This is a little embarrassing to admit… but last time a guy touched me here… I got so turned on I had to drag him into the nearest bathroom for a quickie! (oops… lol)

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The post Is Her Mind Dirtier Than You Realize? New Survey Reveals American Women Think About Sex A LOT (Here’s How It’ll Get You Laid) appeared first on Gotham Club.

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