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Wednesday 10 March 2021

Talk About “Bang” For Your Buck: How Better Performance In Bed Means Better Performance At Work [New Study]

work performance and sex
Discover the strange connection between work performance and sex…

New Research Exposes A Bizarre Link Between Your Work Performance And Sex…

Click Here to Discover 5 All-Natural Foods That Get You Hard-As-Steel FAST (Even If You Haven’t Had an Erection in Years)…

You’re staring at your computer, tapping your pen mindlessly on your notepad. 

The to-do list seems to stretch on and on and all you’ve crossed off so far today is “make coffee,” arguably easier than the looming “finish sales report.” 

You look anxiously at the clock to see if it might be lunchtime soon. It’s 9:15 AM. 

Your manager walks in and you immediately stiffen as she cheerfully announces “Don’t forget performance reviews are today!” 

TRENDING: 3 Secret “Touch Tricks” That Get Hot Girls Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed!

You feign a smile and make a note in your increasingly intimidating notebook. You look at the clock again. 9:16 AM.

Some new science has come out, and until it did I hadn’t really thought of “performance review” as being such an accurate double entendre. 

You know, that dreaded meeting where your boss is either going to give you a raise or tell you where you have “room to grow.”

Turns out this meeting may go well or poorly depending on how you’re performing in BED.

How Your Performance In Bed Influence How Well (Or Not) You Perform At Work…

What?! I know, it’s a bit weird. 

Is your partner sleeping with your boss? 

No! (Well, probably not, I don’t know. If they are it might actually help you get a raise?) 

But that’s not what I’m getting at. 

BRAND-NEW: This “Raging Bull Secret” That Helps You Last Longer In Bed Is Almost Sold Out (Click Here to Get It!)

Normally we really don’t think of our sex lives and our work lives as interconnected, but, research is showing that poor performance review at work correlates with difficulty getting and keeping an erection. 

I see you shifting nervously, hoping your boss hasn’t read this study. Is it noon yet?

Stay with me.

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Here's The Science That Proves It…

The study suggests that struggles between the sheets can make you less productive at work.

Let’s check out the research.

One study examined data from U.S. National Health and Wellness Surveys from 2015 to 2016. 

From these surveys, the researchers found that men who self-reported as struggling with performance in the bedroom had significantly higher rates of work absenteeism (not going to work) than those who reported they were not struggling with sexual performance. 

Men who self-reported as struggling in bed also suffered from double the rates of presenteeism (which means they went to work but had trouble focusing and getting things done) than men who were sexually satisfied.

Twice as many? That’s kind of a big deal. 

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It makes sense, too.

You know when you have a really satisfying session in the bedroom, and you feel energized and ready to tackle everything else waiting for you in life? 

If you’re not finding sexual satisfaction, you’re probably not getting that natural boost of energy and wellness. 

You may also find yourself worrying about your performance when you should be finishing that sales report. 

Then the stress of your sinking performance at work is liable to seep into the bedroom.

Oh no, this sounds like a vicious cycle. 

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But Is It Legit Data?

This all seems plausible.

But let’s remember to be discerning.

Who sponsored this study? Pfizer.

Who is Pfizer? The manufacturers of Viagra.

Don’t you think they might have a particular goal in mind? Ahem, buying their product? 

I’m not saying their research is invalid, I’m just saying don’t let them scare you into buying Viagra just so you can get that sales report done. 

There are alternatives worth pursuing before you spend your hard-earned money on a pill known to have some unpleasant side effects and about the same efficacy as aspirin. 

You have options!

(For a completely natural way to stay rock hard for hours try eating this simple snack) 

Let’s just focus on the part of the study that says that your sexual well-being has implications in other areas of life.

Great sex makes us happier, healthier, and more confident. 

So why wouldn’t our sex lives affect our work lives? 

Intuitively, you’ll probably find that this makes sense. If you’re worried about something so important in your life, the to-do list loses significance. 

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Here Are a Few Easy & All-Natural Ways to Reverse a “Blah” Bedroom Performance…

There are so many reasons that sexual performance might drop off. 

Perhaps exercise is the key. 

You might consider exercising more, or taking up a new sport.

And take a look at your diet–is it filled with fresh veggies, healthy proteins, and natural fats? (More on that in a sec.)

There may also be something going on between you and your partner. 

TRENDING: If She Does This With Her Body It Means She Wants You Bad (Most Men Totally Miss This!)

Check in with her and open the door for a healthy conversation to find out if both of your needs are being met. 

Also, remember that disagreements or unsettled conflicts can lead to a loss in sexual appetite. 

Resolving issues can be huge for your sex game!

And finally, there's one more important thing you must remember:

work performance and sex
Boost your work performance and sex life try this…

If You Have Issues “Performing” In Bed It’s NOT Your Fault…

With a stressful job, uncertain circumstances and the demands of quarantine these days… it’s no wonder so few men report being 100% “fully satisfied” with their hard-ons…

Fortunately… there are actually a few REALLY easy things you can do to counteract the effects of age… stress… anxiety… a sedentary lifestyle…

… and most other things that cause weak erections, low libido, and poor sexual health.

One of the fastest and most effective things you can do to boost your boner strength, and sex drive… is simply changing your diet.

Now, it’s not a big change, I’m not asking you to go vegan or anything like that…

I just want you to introduce more vegetables into your diet.

There are a few vegetables in particualr that have been scientifically proven to help boost your bloodflow… (which helps stiffen weak noodly boners… and reverse old man libido).

So getting back that sex drive, and those lead-pipe erections can be as simple as reaching in your fridge and having a healthy snack. 🙂

Click here right now and discover the 5 Vegetables that will revive your boners… and your sex life.

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The post Talk About “Bang” For Your Buck: How Better Performance In Bed Means Better Performance At Work [New Study] appeared first on Gotham Club.

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