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Friday 12 February 2021

4 EASY Steps to Make Every Girl Online Crazy for You (Without Lying!)…

4 EASY Steps to Make Every Girl Online Crazy for You (Without Lying!)…

How to Attract Women Online… Stop Guessing and Use What's Proven to Work…

Click Here to Discover 5 All-Natural Foods That Get You Hard-As-Steel FAST (Even If You Haven’t Had an Erection in Years)…

A new scientific study is out. In the study of 6,458 online dating users, 57% of users admitted they lie on their profiles.

What does this mean?

It means that hot women online have heard all the same BS before!

Because everyone is spewing the same lies…

Hot women online are looking for fun, but they are good at spotting fake profiles, lies and guys who are already married.

Why am I telling you this?

I’m telling you this because in online dating, the first impression matters 1,000 times as much as anything else you do.

TRENDING: If A Younger Woman Does This With Her Body It Means She Wants You Bad (Most Older Guys Totally Miss This!)

What creates the first impression online?

Your profile (your pics, your bio and your body language) and your first message.


All the guys who lie and use phony pics don’t get matched with anyone anymore…

The top 1% of profiles get all the matches with hot women.

The top 1% of profiles are honest — but use a bit of strategy too.

I’m going to teach you how to create a great first impression online so that hot women will be ignoring everyone else…

Squirming in their seat waiting on the next message from you… 

And getting wet just thinking about meeting up with you…

Read on, to find out exactly what to do:

It All Starts with AIDA…

I think of matching with a hot girl online just like making a sale. 

Have you ever seen the old sales formula: AIDA? It works.

First, you want to get their ATTENTION.

(Use your profile pics to get them to stop what they’re doing and look at your profile.)

Then, you get their INTEREST.

(Use the words on your profile to leave just enough mystery so they’re extremely interested in talking to you!)

Next, you get their DESIRE.

(Desire is like an animal instinct. You don’t create desire just with how you look. You don’t create desire with your words. You create desire with your body language. I’ll explain this later…)

Finally, you get to the ACTION.

(She meets up with you… and if you’ve done things right… is ready to jump in bed with you…)

Let’s get started:

4 EASY Steps to Make Every Girl Online Crazy for You (Without Lying!)…

Step 1) Create A Great First Online Impression

First off, you need one thing:


Yes, I’m yelling. It’s that important.

You want to use profile pics that show one thing. You want profile pics that show that you do more than just chase after hot girls.

In my own experience, I’ve never gotten laid with a profile that only has pics of me looking sexy. Shirtless pics rarely get hot women.

You know who the shirtless pics attract?

Women who can’t get a guy to have sex with them. Hear that scraping sound? That’s the bottom of the barrel.

I’m not here to judge. If you’re after quantity not quality, go for the shirtless pics.

But if you want really hot women… the kind you can show off to your friends, go for higher quality pics.

TRENDING: If A Younger Woman Does This With Her Body It Means She Wants You Bad (Most Older Guys Totally Miss This!)

You want to have one pic of you that is just your face and a full smile.

Most guys are too shy to have an honest pic like this on their profile.

Next, make sure you have a pic with other guy friends… doing something. It can be playing a sport, shooting guns, drinking beers. Anything you enjoy.

This shows that you’re social and will send a subliminal message to her — “This guy has friends therefore I can trust him.”

Make sure it’s obvious which guy you are out of the group. You won’t get a match if she has a hard time figuring out who you are.

(This might seem obvious. But I’ve seen too many guys make this mistake!)

4 EASY Steps to Make Every Girl Online Crazy for You (Without Lying!)…

Finally, you must have a picture with a pet. It doesn’t matter. Dog, cat, gerbel, whatever. This always sparks an easy conversation.

You can use a pic like this even if it’s not your pet!

I put a picture of a cat on my profile one time (that wasn’t even mine. It was the neighbor’s cat!) and you wouldn’t believe how many messages I got! 

I know recent studies have shown that cat pictures don’t work. And if it’s JUST cat pictures, that’s true. But just one, in combination with a full smile and a pic of you and your guys, it works… It’s a totally different thing…

The pics are what women look at first… but now you’ve blown them away with your profile pics… it’s time to take it further:

4 EASY Steps to Make Every Girl Online Crazy for You (Without Lying!)…

Step 2) Peak Interest with a Seductive Bio

Once again, the theme here is honesty.

But you don’t want to be a jerk. Lots of guys hear they should be honest in their bio and then they sound like this… 

“Hey. I’m only here to hook up, get what I want and then leave as soon as I’m through with you.”

Imagine if you said this to a hot girl at the bar.

There’s ZERO CHANCE she’d go home with you.

Instead, you want to capture her interest by talking about what you do.

Hot women are looking for guys who do things other than just hooking up online.

RESEARCH REVEALS: This “Potion” Gets Girls to Chase You (Click For The Recipe)…

So make your bio all about your work and your hobbies.

For example, if you make great drinks, put that you could have been the world’s best bartender.

Another example. If you are interested in cars, put how you spend your weekends fixing up cars.

It’s all about showing that you’re an interesting man outside of looking for sex.

Hot women are very curious about the man’s world. If you talk about what interests you, they will want to know more.

You will be a sexy mystery to them. Getting a match and a message will be easy!

Now that she’s interested in you, you need to capture her DESIRE…

4 EASY Steps to Make Every Girl Online Crazy for You (Without Lying!)…

Step 3) Build Desire with Body Language

This seems mean. This seems like it’s not fair.

But it’s reality.

Men with the best body language get most of the sex.

Men who are taller and project confidence earn more money, get to the highest positions and END UP WITH THE HOTTEST WOMEN!

Online, you have an advantage. You get to control your body language.

Why? Because the only body language online is what’s in your profile pics.

So, I need you to go through your profile pics and make sure…

  1. You are standing up tall in every picture. No slouching! (You don’t need to BE tall, you need to STAND tall.  Any guy can do this…)
  2. You are looking either forward or up. No looking down. That shows submission.
  3. Make sure you are standing with your legs at shoulder width in at least one picture. This will show confidence.

All of this is body language. It is subliminal.

In my experience, with great body language, the messages turn sexual faster. The messages turn sexual without having to do anything…

You’ve got her attention. You’ve got her interest. You’ve got her desire by going through and perfecting your body language.

Now what?

It’s time to get her to take ACTION…

4 EASY Steps to Make Every Girl Online Crazy for You (Without Lying!)…

Step 4) Stop Guessing: Use What’s PROVEN to Work Online…

I don’t know how much time I’ve spent swiping on dating apps…

Testing out new “openers” to see what works…

Trying to keep conversations alive…

Setting up dates with the few who respond (and keep responding)…

And then of those few women, there were honestly only a couple that I was sexually interested in.

To be honest it REALLY wasn’t worth it, I didn’t get great results, I wasted a LOT of time…

And one of my biggest regrets in life is that I didn’t find this video sooner.

Instead of blindly “trial-and-erroring” your way through the world of online dating, use what already is proven to work!

This video will show you some of the top online dating strategies that are working on hot girls right now…

Plus how to use them to get a LOT more matches, dates, and lays…

(BTW, Insider secret: a lot of these dates are really women just looking to get laid…)

It’ll even show you the best data-driven, proven tips and tricks to seal the deal once you’re out on the date.

Stop the trial and error. 

Stop the constant rejection. 

And start using tested data driven strategies that actually get you laid. 

Click here right NOW and starting getting replies from hot girls today…

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