lovers Planet.

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Thursday 31 March 2022

March 31, 2022

Craig’s Challenge — Make Your Conversation “Cheat Sheet”

Craig’s Challenge — Make Your Conversation “Cheat Sheet”

3 Easy Steps to Creating a Conversation Cheat Sheet:

Click Here to Discover the Subtle 3-Touch Sequence That Gets Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed…

Hey there… it’s Craig. And I’ve got a new weekly feature for you. Every Friday, I’m going to issue a new challenge for you for the weekend. If you execute and learn from them faithfully, I guarantee you’ll soon have more dates than a calendar…

Alright guys, this week I have a fun challenge for you that will 100% help you get laid.

I want you to create a “Conversation Cheat Sheet.”

If you’re a shy guy or someone who isn’t great at chatting up hot girls in public, having a cheat sheet can be super helpful.

So let’s discuss a few pointers that will help you start building your own this week.

How to Start a Conversation with Hot Girls in Public

The opening line is the most important part. Screw this up and nothing else you have in your toolbox matters because that hot girl you wanted to talk to will instantly dismiss you.

So what’s the perfect conversation starter?


Not just any compliments. Saying something like “nice legs” or “great butt” will be more likely to get you a slap across the cheek than a phone number.

But compliments she can take credit for.

My favorite is “I like your style” because you can take that a bunch of different ways.

I go into way, way more detail here, but that’s the gist of it.

Craig’s Challenge — Make Your Conversation “Cheat Sheet”

How to Keep a Conversation Going

Now that we’re rolling, how do you keep the convo going?

My buddy David Dupree has 3 great ways that he swears by.  

One is a 3-step “sentence generator” that’s practically an algorithm for keeping a conversation interesting and keeping her interested. 

David’s next suggestion is to change the subject frequently. If you get stuck on any subject for too long with a girl you barely know, she’ll think you’re obsessed with whatever that thing is.

Last is what he calls “Plowing the Field vs. Digging a Hole” in conversation. More details here >>

SPECIAL: Do You Know the 7 Signs She Wants You BAD?

The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Conversation Cheat Sheet

For more in-depth guidance on building your own cheat sheet, check out this article by David.

This isn’t some lame script, just good solid advice you can personalize for yourself. Check it out.

He does a deep-dive into how to tap into your masculine energy, unleash her feminine energy, and use both to create electric conversations with virtually any woman that will make her hot for you.

Alright fellas, now you’ve got the info you need. Time to get to work.

Craig’s Challenge — Make Your Conversation “Cheat Sheet”

How to Build a Deep Connection With a Woman In Minutes…

When it comes to meeting, attracting, seducing a woman, and getting her to fall for you, it’s typically a lot easier than people believe.

You meet the girl, you flirt, and you make a move.

That’s like three things!

However… I also understand this is an oversimplified explanation.

And I also know that flirting is complicated. If you say one wrong thing, there likely won’t be much of a connection between you two… and you’re probably going to get rejected when you make a move.

So what’s a man to do?

Simple, touch her more. 

Touching has a calming effect on people, because it releases vital hormones into a person's system, like oxytocin, endorphins, and dopamine.

But there’s a drawback…

You’re not going to meet a woman, start touching her, and next thing you know she’s shoving her tongue down your throat.

There’s a right way and a wrong way to do it.

If you don’t touch enough you get friendzoned… if you touch too much then you might creep her out… but when you touch her in the right spots and at the right times, then that’s where the magic happens.

She’ll become more receptive to your flirting, and probably flirt a lot more too.

You’ll also notice she’ll touch you more, and feel more comfortable opening up.

And when you touch her the right way… not only will a deep connection happen faster…

But there also won’t be any resistance when you do decide to make a move and go for the kiss… or ask her to come home with you.

But like I said…

There’s a fine line between being smooth, and coming off as a total creep:

Click here right now and learn how to touch women in a way that makes them open up, and allows you to build a deep and lasting connection with them in no time. 


HOT 227 Views

The post Craig’s Challenge — Make Your Conversation “Cheat Sheet” appeared first on Gotham Club.

from Blog – Gotham Club

Wednesday 30 March 2022

March 30, 2022

Ask Her THIS After Sex If You Want to Sleep With Her Again (And Eliminate Ghosting & Flaking!)

How To Prevent Ghosting… And See a Girl When You Want (For Dates, Regular Hookups Or Both)…

Click Here to Discover 3 Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You For Again & Again…

It's almost Halloween, so today I want to talk about ghosts.

Specifically, ghosting. If it's never happened to you, first of all, consider yourself lucky — but basically, it's when a girl says she's going to meet up with you… and then doesn't.

Either she flakes, she stops responding to your messages, or a combination of the two.

But all of the sudden, she's gone. And for seemingly no reason.

This is especially frustrating when the two of you have slept together already.

So that's what I want to talk about today.

Hi, I’m Ruwando, and as part of my  series, I’m answering your most difficult, burning questions related to sex and dating.

And today, I want to show you the truth about getting repeat hookups and sex–what works, what doesn’t, and how to easily have the option to sleep with a girl again (even if you really pissed her off, or f**ked up big time).

TRENDING: 8 After-Sex Habits That Make Her WAY More Likely to Sleep With You Again…

Because honestly, if you follow the right steps… and get some practice under your belt…

… then it’s a LOT easier than you may realize.

So let’s get started!

Ask Her THIS After Sex If You Want to Sleep With Her Again (And Eliminate Ghosting & Flaking!)

Catch The Full Video Transcript Below…

All right, this question comes from Ernest.

Ernest says:

Hey man, love your videos on the Gotham club. I was with this girl I really like, we slept together after the third date. I thought the sex was awesome, but afterwards she slowly started responding less often and enthusiastically to me, and then she eventually ghosted.

Is there any way to get her back or for her to give me another shot? If so, what do I do?”

All right, thanks for the question, Ernest. Thanks for the love.

Ask Her THIS After Sex If You Want to Sleep With Her Again (And Eliminate Ghosting & Flaking!)

It's hard for me to tell your situation specifically just from that question. But I'm going to guess if you thought the sex was awesome and she ghosted, then there must be some misconception going on here.

There Are 3 Possibilities…

All right, so practically it could come down to 3 things pretty much:

Either the sex really wasn't that awesome and you know, you're just misperceiving it, or maybe it's only awesome for you.

Maybe sex was pretty good, but she thinks you're a jerk because of how you treated her afterward. Or there's something else going on in her life that you can't really control.

Maybe she got back with an ex-boyfriend. Maybe she has some life crisis and it actually has nothing to do with you, or the sex you were having.

The thing to know is that women tend to open up after good sex.

I mean, we hear this on the far end, we're worrying about clingers or worrying about emotional attachments. But the truth is a woman's sex and a woman's heart are very deeply connected in almost all cases.

And that's a beautiful thing about women–it's great. If you want to have a relationship with a woman, it's actually excellent to be a man who sleeps with women.

BRAND-NEW: The Fastest Way to Give Any Girl Multiple EXPLOSIVE Orgasms…

What Does It Mean If She’s Emotionally Distant After Sex?

So, if something happened where you had sex and she feels more emotionally distant, then something “off” happened.

It could be that the sex actually wasn't good and it may be that you thought it was great, but you're just misperceiving. And she actually didn't like something you did.

Or maybe, maybe you were actually being super selfish and everything was for you… and she actually wasn't satisfied at all.

So, this actually relates to the second possibility–maybe the sex was alright, but afterward she thought you were a jerk.

Maybe you acted like an ass afterwards.

Maybe you didn't check in with her, maybe you left too abruptly.

Something made her feel bad and that could happen even if the sex was great as you think it was. But then she felt like, “Oh, this guy doesn't care about me, he's kind of an a**hole. He was only in it for the sex.”

And she basically built up some resentment toward you based on how you treated her afterward.

So, this is not the end all be all for you.

Ask Her THIS After Sex If You Want to Sleep With Her Again (And Eliminate Ghosting & Flaking!)

Here’s How You Turn The Tables & Make Sure You Always Have the Option of Sleeping With Her Again…

So if you want to sleep with this girl again, there is a solution:


In general, I say this to all the guys, is that after sex happens, I always do a check-in.

I always want to know for my own knowledge simply just so I could be a better man, a better man in the bedroom, a better lover.

I want to know what she likes. And I want to know if there's anything she didn't like.

Especially if I took a risk with maybe something a little kinkier, and I wasn't really sure–I want to make sure that things were okay with her.

WARNING: These Shocking “Touch Tricks” Turn Hot Girls On & Make Them Want to Bang Your Brains Out (Don’t Use These Unless You Want Sex Right Away!)…

Maybe no one's ever touched her ear in that way. And I want to bookmark that because oh, she really likes that.

I want to do that later, because I'll have more fun if she's having more fun as sex goes.

But the other thing is, something I also ask is:

“At what point did you decide to sleep with me?”

I think this is incredible information. Because I know even up to this point, I asked this every single time I sleep with a woman for the first time, sometimes I'm completely off.

Sometimes she decided to sleep with me way before I realized it. Or she decided to do it last minute.

And I thought she wanted to sleep with me the whole time, and I was wrong.

This is all to say that having this habit of checking in after sex, will have you feeling more connected and let her know that you really care.

And even if the sex wasn't that good, she'll know:

“Okay, this guy actually cares. He wants to have good sex, and even if it was mediocre, it'll probably be better afterward.”

This addresses the first point of the sex not actually being awesome, and the second point that, you know, making sure that she knows you care.

So she's not going to think you're an a**hole afterward, even if maybe you're not the most attentive, or you said something by accident, or you did something by accident–just because you didn't know.

If you ask these questions, she'll know that you actually give a s*it and she won't have this perception of you being an asshole.

The “Hail Mary” Last Resort If You Want to Hookup With a Girl Who Ghosted…

Now, it's at this point where you've already kind of lost her, she's already ghosted you, you can still throw a Hail Mary.

And this is also for your information, which is:

“Hey, you know, I guess things didn't work out. But I was just curious what was it or was there something that I could have been doing better?”

A lot of guys are afraid to do this because they think it comes off as needy. And I mean, it's not the most confident thing, but the fact is, if she's ghosted, you've already lost her, right?

You might as well take the lesson and learn as much as you can, so you don't make the same mistake again. Right?

If you're making the same mistake over and over again, that's your fault. You know, shame on you for not learning. And the best way to learn is to ask.

Ask Her THIS After Sex If You Want to Sleep With Her Again (And Eliminate Ghosting & Flaking!)

I’m Not Gonna Lie…

If something crazy happened in her life and that's the reason why she's ignoring you, that's good to know too.

And especially if you live in a big city where the dating pool is very large and people don't typically have a feeling of obligation to give back to people… she might have just forgotten about you because she's dating a lot of people.

THE LATEST: These 3 Tinder Secrets Will get You Laid Tonight…

That said, if the sex is really good and she knows you really care and you have that connection… it's very unlikely that a crisis, or a new man in her life is going to totally cost her to ghost you. Because she'll actually have that respect for you.

So, all of these things kind of work together.

In my professional opinion, the best thing you can do going forward, is to make sure you always check in after sex. That way you learn your sexual strengths, and make her always want to sleep with you again.

But is there anything you can do during sex to make her want to sleep with you again?

Yes… and here's what it is:

prevent ghosting

It Doesn’t Matter How Bad You F***ed Up… If You Do THIS During Sex She Will Be Desperate to Sleep With You Again…

Even if you were a jerk to her…

Even if she’s trying to get back with her ex-boyfriend, and only intended to use you for a night of passion…

Even if she practically pushed you out the door once you finished…

… there’s ONE thing you can do during sex, that will without a doubt make her want to sleep with you again:

Give her intense, full-body orgasms that make her tingle for hours afterward.


It’s simple supply and demand.

Most guys can only give a girl one kind of fairly common orgasm during sex, if that… (a recent study found that 85% of women fake orgasms on a regular basis)…

… so if you can be the guy who not only gives her genuine multiple orgasms… but who gives her the kind of orgasms that make her shake like a broken washing machine… then guess what?

She’s going to want to f*ck you again, and most likely sooner rather than later.

This is especially true if you can give her powerful “Deep Spot” Orgasms (also known as “A-Spot” orgasms)…

And before you ask, no, you don’t need an 8-inch dong to do it:

Click here to watch a short, free video that shows you a simple technique to give any woman intense “Deep Spot” Orgasms.

P.S. If you wanna know how to give hot girls Clitoral Orgasms & G-Spot Orgasms too… try THIS…

HOT 3,324 Views

The post Ask Her THIS After Sex If You Want to Sleep With Her Again (And Eliminate Ghosting & Flaking!) appeared first on Gotham Club.

from Blog – Gotham Club

Tuesday 29 March 2022

March 29, 2022

Gotham Gold Picks — How to Make Your D**k Feel MUCH Bigger (Step-by-Step Instructions)…

how to feel bigger

How to Feel Bigger, Never Get Rejected, And MORE…

Click Here to See 5 All-Natural Foods That Can Give Nearly Any Guy Harder & Longer-Lasting Erections (You Probably Already Have #3 in Your Kitchen!)…

The Hottest Links From Around the Internet:

  1. The thinking on open relationships is changing… NEW STUDY Reveals 33% of People Fantasize About Being in an Open Relationship… (And one age group wants it even more…)

  2. This “No Rejection” Escalation Technique is so easy… and it gets her coming back to your place every single time.

  3. How to Be Cool and Attract Women in 7 Easy Steps — everything you need to know from my favorite Alpha Dude.

  4. How to Make Your D*ck Feel MUCH Bigger (Step-by-Step Instructions).  ‘Nuff Said.

  5. Meet the Men Who Claim to Have the Biggest Penises in World — Plus, why they hate it and how they cope.

  6. Now: Meet the Woman Who Rakes in Cash Acting Like a Kinky Puppy

BRAND-NEW: Meet the Woman Who Rakes in Cash Acting Like a Kinky Puppy

how to feel bigger

Here’s a Simple Way to End a Dry Streak…

A few years back I was on a 4 month dry spell…

I just couldn’t get laid, and a big reason was because of my wimpy libido.

I had no desire to go out and chase women.

I essentially wanted to spend my time working, sleeping, binge watching Netflix… and drinking beer.

Obviously this was extremely bad for me health wise, and mentally too… so I had to make a change.

I realized I needed to do something about my lack of drive…

First I quit whacking it to p0rn everyday, and this helped a bit… but it wasn’t really enough to make me want to put in the effort of chasing women and dating.

But then I did something a little different…

I added a few vegetables to my diet — click here now to see what they are ← 

These vegetables have been scientifically proven to help clean out, and expand your blood vessels, potentially boosting your bloodflow by quite a bit.

The better your bloodflow, the better certain hormones like testosterone, dopamine, oxytocin, etc. are delivered throughout your system.

The better these hormones are distributed the higher your libido can go. 

(Not to mention that blood flows more easily “down there”… making you fully engorged…)

After a few weeks of eating these vegetables I felt like a stallion in heat… I was ready to go full carpenter and nail any decent-looking girl I laid my eyes on.

I was constantly turned on, and ready to talk to girls.

Soon enough… I found a little hottie named Vanessa who scratched every sexual itch I had…

And it all started by eating more of these veggies:

Click here right now to discover what five vegetables I added to my diet to wildly improve my drive and end my dry streak.

HOT 177 Views

The post Gotham Gold Picks — How to Make Your D**k Feel MUCH Bigger (Step-by-Step Instructions)… appeared first on Gotham Club.

from Blog – Gotham Club

Monday 28 March 2022

March 28, 2022

This Simple “Caveman Trick” Unleashes Her Fast-Sex Fetish…

This Simple “Caveman Trick” Unleashes Her Fast-Sex Fetish...

When to Have Sex for the First Time With Someone New (Hint: NOW)

Click Here to Discover 5 All-Natural Foods That Allow Nearly Any Guy to Last Longer In Bed (Even If You Haven’t Had an Erection in Years)…

When is the right time to have sex with a new partner?

It’s a question every new couple has to ask themselves…

How soon is too soon?  Are we ready?  Are there benefits to waiting? 

I’m going to be honest, as a guy, I’m not good at waiting.

I don’t have a lot of patience when sex is involved. (Especially when it’s a really hot woman.)

But I have wondered in the past if having sex right away would ruin a budding relationship…

And I’ve definitely met women whom who I really thought wanted to have sex with me the night we met, but then she got worried about what other people would think.

Is there a “right time” to have sex?

BRAND-NEW: 3 Secret “Touch Tricks” That Get Her Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed (Even If You’re “Just Friends” Right Now)!

Well, I did what I always do when faced with a question — I looked at the scientific data. 

Fortunately, the evidence is pretty conclusive — there is no “right” time.  It’s all up to you and your partner, and what you feel works for you.


Women are also biologically programmed to want sex every bit as much (and as fast) as men… but they think they’ll be judged as “slutty” by society, if they give into their fast-sex fetish.

So today, I want to talk about what studies say is the average amount of time people wait to have sex, why that is… 

And how to make it happen faster…

From “First Date” to “Wait for Marriage…”

Let’s talk about the range of options.

Some people get down to business the first time they meet, even before their first real date.

Some people choose to wait until marriage.

The vast majority of us end up falling somewhere in between those two extremes.

But fortunately for those of you not interested in waiting (which is me, lol), it turns out you don’t have to play by “the rules.”  

Mostly because there are none.

The amount of time people think is appropriate to wait to have sex is dependent on a lot of things.  Their gender, their age, what they expect to get out of the relationship long term, as well as the chemistry of the two people.

This Simple “Caveman Trick” Unleashes Her Fast-Sex Fetish...

What the Numbers Say…

A study by YOUGOV UK found (unsurprisingly) that 28% of men say they would have sex with someone the first time they meet.  That compares to just 7% of women

But don’t let that number get you down.  Of the youngest age group surveyed (women 18-24), 14% said they would have sex on first meeting

Of both men and women, an overwhelming percentage said that they would have sex by the third date.

We’ve all heard of the “Third Date Rule”, the classic idea that you should go on three dates before deciding to head to the bedroom. 

Based on this survey, it’s clear that consciously or not, a huge proportion of people tend to follow the three date rule.

INSIDER SECRETS: 3 Shocking Under-The-Radar Touches That Get Hot Girls to BEG You For Sex…

This idea seems to be pretty socially acceptable, and it’s not hard to see where this notion took hold.  

Women tend to follow it because they’re worried about being thought of as “slutty”, while men go along with it because they don’t want to seem to overeager.

So what’s the difference between women and men?  Men of all age groups were ready to have sex on first meeting by a large percentage, whereas the majority of women wanted to wait until until around the third date. 

Another thing that stands out is a significant number of the women surveyed didn’t provide a specific time table for how long they wanted to wait.  

They simply said that they would wait until they fell in love…

(Here’s how to make a woman feel so wildly turned on, she can’t wait…)

This Simple “Caveman Trick” Unleashes Her Fast-Sex Fetish...

But… Will It Be Better If You Wait?

So we know that time frame varies widely, but is there any other information that you should know before deciding to take things to the bedroom? 

A different study published in the Journal of Sex Research took a look at whether or not waiting to have sex correlated with satisfaction in a relationship. 

The study looked at almost 11,000 people, the vast majority of which had been in their current relationships for over a year, and sought to find out how satisfied they were. 

Just like in the other study, the majority of this group reported having sex within the first few weeks of knowing each other.

It’s worth pointing out that those who waited a little longer to have sex reported being more satisfied in their current relationship than those who had sex right away… 

Still, the differences between groups were small, with those who hopped into bed right away only being slightly less satisfied with relationship outcomes than those who waited. 

This Simple “Caveman Trick” Unleashes Her Fast-Sex Fetish...

So What Does All of This Tell Us? 

There are no firm rules about how soon you should have sex with someone.  It depends completely on your expectations, your wants and needs, as well as those of your partner. 

The data show that there doesn’t seem to be as big of a stigma as people think about hooking up early, and if you and your partner don’t feel like waiting, there shouldn’t be anything stopping you.

But what can you do if society’s hang ups have gotten to her, and she’s not quite ready?  What can you do to get yourself in the sack as quick as possible?

This Simple “Caveman Trick” Unleashes Her Fast-Sex Fetish...

First, Try to Find a Younger Woman. 

Remember, women in the 18-24 age group are reportedly the most likely to be up for it on the first meeting.  Women in the 25-34 age range are right behind. 

If you’re looking for your best shot, seek out someone under thirty five, as a woman’s desire to wait increases with age.  32% of women who were fifty five and up said that they’d wait until they’re in love.

INSIDER SECRETS: This All-Natural 5-Food Formula Allows Nearly Any Guy to F**k Like A Pornstar (Click For The Recipe)…

Already found the woman you want, and you want to put her mind at ease? 

Just let her know that the social stigma around having sex early on is a thing of the past. 

If you can’t tell her that with words, you can get her so comfortable with you, and turned on by you, that she stops thinking about what (she thinks) society thinks…

This Simple “Caveman Trick” Unleashes Her Fast-Sex Fetish...

This “Caveman Trick” Unleashes Her Fast Sex Fetish…

Seriously, the answer to making any woman feel like she absolutely MUST go home with you tonight and have sex — as much sex as she can, all night long — is as old as humanity itself…

People tend to forget that humans are animals, too… And all animals are biologically wired to want sex.

It’s literally hard coded into our DNA.

It’s society that’s taught us that sex with strangers is bad.

(Which is why we’re now seeing this huge anti-slut shaming backlash in our culture.)

You just need to know about this evolutionary “fast track” hard-coded into her brain from caveman times… and let IT do all the hard work…

When you unleash her inner cavewoman, you unleash her inner slut…

And getting her to sleep with you will be effortless, even if it’s your first time meeting her.

There are 3 simple steps that bypass all the bullsh*t and fast track straight to the cavewoman part of her brain…

The part that says “SEX NOW.”

Click her now to learn those 3 simple steps, and start banging more women a hell of a lot faster than you’re used to.

HOT 438 Views

The post This Simple “Caveman Trick” Unleashes Her Fast-Sex Fetish… appeared first on Gotham Club.

from Blog – Gotham Club

Sunday 27 March 2022

March 27, 2022

Former Pornstar Mia Khalifa: “Anal Sex, The G-Spot & How to Make Me Orgasm”

mia khalifa

Webcam Model Mia Khalifa Answers the 7 Most-Googled Sex Questions–And Her Answers May Shock You…

Click Here to Discover the Fastest Way to Give Any Girl Multiple EXPLOSIVE Orgasms (Using Only One Hand)…

Like most people, I'd be pretty hesitant to share my Google search history with just anyone.

I mean, I've Googled some pretty crazy things… and some of them are more than a little embarrassing.

And sure, while Google can certainly be helpful in giving you the answers you want–sometimes, it also falls flat.

Like sex & dating questions, for example.

We turn to Google for many of these types of questions–and quite often, the answers are less than helpful. Or if it isn't that, then there are so many resources that it can be hard to know which ones you can trust.

3 SEXY PORNSTARS REVEAL: “D**k Size Doesn’t Matter During Sex… But THIS Does!”

That's why I was so excited when I saw this interview with Mia Khalifa. In it, she answers the 7 most-Googled sex questions–and boy, does she deliver with her answers!

So today, I'm going to show you what those questions are, along with her answers and some even more helpful advice just for you.

(And just in case you aren't already familiar with Mia, she's a former pornstar and webcam model, so she definitely knows her stuff.)

So if you’re looking to be better in the bedroom (and who isn’t?), read on for some useful tips.

1) Where Is The G-Spot?

Ah, the G-spot. This pleasure center can take sex from “meh” to “memorable” for many women.

According to Mia:

Your G-spot is on the top wall of the vagina halfway between the opening and the cervix. So if you're fingering someone, it's up and under, I would say. You know you're touching it when it feels like you're touching a slightly rougher surface, like the surface of a nut.”

To stimulate a woman's G-spot, use a finger or two and make a “come here” motion. Pair this with rubbing or licking her clit, and prepare for take-off. 😉

You can also stimulate her G-spot during sex with the right position. Doggy style is perfect for this. Reach around and rub her clit at the same time to maximize her pleasure.

2) How Do You Make a Woman Orgasm?

Foreplay is key to making a woman orgasm. But what’s the right foreplay?

Well, that depends on the woman and the moment.

Mia says:

It’s about a bunch of different factors, like kissing and taking your time and being tender, or being rough, depending on what the girl wants.”

So, how do you know what she wants? Pay attention to her body and the sounds she’s making.

If she’s arching her back and moaning, you’re on the right track. If you feel her fingers gripping you harder, keep doing what you’re doing.

Meeting you kiss for kiss and lick for lick is a sure sign things are going well.

ANAL SEX: Your 5 Most Commonly Asked Questions, Answered By Doctors…

A good way to start is by taking your time. Kiss her lips, neck, nipples… work your way around her body.

From there, use your hand or tongue to stimulate her clit. Start slow, and increase your pressure and speed as she responds.

Add in some attention to her G-spot to really take things over the top.

Former Pornstar Mia Khalifa: “Anal Sex, The G-Spot & How to Make Me Orgasm”

3) How Do You Get a Bigger Penis Manually?

The question underlying this question is: Does size matter?

“I don’t think size matters at all,” Mia says. Her best partners haven’t been the biggest ones.

Instead, they’ve been the ones who really paid attention to her and her body.

Despite what porn ads may tell you, there is no way to manually increase your penis size. And honestly, you don’t need to.

Personally, some of the best sex of my life was with a guy who was on the “smaller” side.

What made it so hot?

We had a sizzling connection. He paid attention to what turned me on, gave me plenty of attention with his hands and mouth, and made me feel sexy as hell.

(Seriously, stuff got broken during the deed too–it was that intense.)

So focus on her pleasure, and nothing else will matter. Trust me. 😉

4) How Long Should Sex Last?

Not forever, according to Mia. She says:

I think a quickie is usually about 5-7 minutes, and something more passionate is usually about 10-15 minutes.”

With a lot of foreplay, the overall experience could be 30 minutes to an hour. It depends on the vibe, of course.

Don’t feel like every session has to be a marathon.

SPECIAL: Do You Know About This “Secret Elixir” That Makes Girls Chase You?

Quick and dirty sex can be super hot too.

Former Pornstar Mia Khalifa: “Anal Sex, The G-Spot & How to Make Me Orgasm”

5) Does Anal Sex Hurt?

The short answer is yes.

“The only time girls do anal sex is when they really, really, really, really like a guy,” says Mia.

Anal sex can be pleasurable for a woman, though. There are a few key ingredients you need to make it happen:

First, there's the lube–use it. Use a lot. Like more than you think you need.

Put some on her and some on yourself. Keep it handy, and as things get going, apply more.

Second, there needs to be arousal–the key to making anal sex less painful is making sure she’s relaxed and turned on.

Foreplay is key here. Spend lots of time rubbing, licking, and kissing her to get her relaxed and ready.

Finally, take your time–go slow.

Start with the tip, and slowly work your way in. Reach around or under her to stimulate her clit as you go.

Periodically add more lube, and slowly increase your thrusts. And of course, check in with her to make sure she's enjoying it too.

6) How Can I Last Longer In Bed?

A lot of guys want to know how to last longer in bed… and basically, there's one surefire way to do it:

Change things up.

If you feel yourself getting close, take a break to go down on her.

According to Mia:

She’s not gonna get mad if you pull out and start going down on her. She won’t even know that you’re trying not to come.”

You can also change positions to one a little less “exciting” for you.

If you’re not lasting as long as you’d like, another option would be to masturbate an hour or two before you’re going to see her. That way it will take a bit longer for things to “build up” again.

Former Pornstar Mia Khalifa: “Anal Sex, The G-Spot & How to Make Me Orgasm”


7) Why Won’t She Have Sex With Me?

If you're wondering why a certain woman won't have sex with you, then you're not alone.

One of the key ingredients for great sex is connection, so according to Mia, that would be the place to start:

Maybe the connection’s just not there. Do something romantic with just you two.”

Go out for dinner at a place you both love, or spend some time cuddling and watching Netflix.

If that doesn’t improve things, then it might be time to talk. Try to make the conversation less about you and more about her.

TRENDING: 3 Shocking Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You for Again & Again…

Let her know you’re worried and want to know what’s going on with her.

Is she OK? Is there something different that she’d like? Is she stressed?

Stress due to work or personal issues can make it much more difficult to get in the mood.

Show her you’re there for her in non-sexual ways too. Rub her shoulders, help with dinner, or take care of something around the house that’s been driving her crazy.

With a little space, patience, and caring, you’ll reconnect and reignite her passion.

And finally, my fav question of all from the interview haha…

mia khalifa

8) How Can I Make a Girl “Addicted” to Me In Bed?

“There’s this phrase we throw around in the pornstar community… ‘c**k drunk.’

When Edyn, one of Mia’s sexy co-stars, said this to me during our interview… I’ll admit I was a bit taken aback. Though she went on:

“I know it might sound weird haha…

…but basically, it’s what happens when a girl has sex with a guy… and she enjoys the sex soooo much that she’ll do almost anything to sleep with him again…

…and this’ll sound crazy, but usually these guys are NOT pornstars.

Often, they’re just ‘regular’ guys… though they have this one thing in common, that gets girls ‘c**k drunk’ on them…”

She went on to reveal this “secret” to getting a girl “c**k drunk” on you… and OMG, it was not what I expected.

I filmed the whole interview for you to watch… so if you want to know the “secret” to getting a girl “c**k drunk” on you… then you can watch her show you right here (NSFW!):

Pornstar Edyn Blair Reveals How to Get Her “C**k Drunk” On You (NSFW!)…

[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on October 14, 2020.]

HOT 4,280 Views

The post Former Pornstar Mia Khalifa: “Anal Sex, The G-Spot & How to Make Me Orgasm” appeared first on Gotham Club.

from Blog – Gotham Club

Saturday 26 March 2022

March 26, 2022

7 Little-Known Reasons She Might Not Sleep With You Again

Click here to discover a pornstar’s guide on how to give her multiple orgasms…

Grooming Tips for Men… THIS (Or Lack of It) Can Keep Her Away…

I’ve heard this story from my clients over and over again:

“We had a great night, but now she isn’t answering my calls…what happened???”

So many guys make this easy mistake…

It's something you never noticed, or thought of… but it's totally turning her off…

But the good news is, it’s something you can fix in a matter of seconds…

I’m David Dupree, and today I’m answering one of the most bizarre yet easy-to-fix, burning questions guys have when it comes to sex & dating…

So this week, I’m answering this question a reader brought me:

7 Little-Known Reasons She Might Not Sleep With You Again

“Why won't she sleep with me again?”

7 Little-Known Reasons She Might Not Sleep With You Again

In this video, I reveal the 7 little-known ways you may have accidentally turned her off, plus:

  • 3 things you need to do before you bring her home (if you want “repeat business”)…
  • The bizarre reason why you should always keep this room spotless…
  • A step-by-step method to avoid turning her off and get her naked & on top of you in bed…
  • The Epic Fail every guy needs to steer clear of (even experts make this mistake!)…
  • How to always have her coming back for more (again and again…) with this easy hack

THE LATEST: 3 Secret “Touch Tricks” That Get Hot Girls Soaking Wet, Naked & On Top of You In Bed!

7 Little-Known Reasons She Might Not Sleep With You Again

Is it True That if You Wow Her in Bed…She’ll Get “Sexually Addicted” To You?

You may have heard that if you can give a woman the sexual pleasure she craves… she’ll keep coming back to you again & again… almost like she’s “sexually addicted” to you.

When I first heard this, I was skeptical… because women these days seem to have so many sexual options…

Though after a little Googling one night… I found something that changed my mind.

It showed me that if you can do this one thing during sex… she’ll practically beg to sleep with you again… sending you naked pictures every day…

(Some women I’ve done this to have even called in sick from work to stay in bed with me for 2 or 3 days straight.)

Yeah, I know… it’s kinda crazy how powerful this is… my buddies and I joke that it’s our new “secret weapon.” You can check it out here:

Discover the “Secret Weapon” That Gets Her Sexually Addicted To You…

P.S. If you haven't slept with her yet but want to really blow her mind… then you've gotta try this.

HOT 1,229 Views

The post 7 Little-Known Reasons She Might Not Sleep With You Again appeared first on Gotham Club.

from Blog – Gotham Club

Friday 25 March 2022

March 25, 2022

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven’t Tried Before

different sex positions
Keep scrolling for our ultimate guide on sex positions…

Discover All the Different Sex Positions That Both of You Will Love–And That Will Take Her Over the Edge Fast

Click Here Now to Discover 5 Exotic Foods That Will Get You Rock-Hard & Keep You That Way For HOURS…

At the end of the day, sex is just like any other sport or performing art:

The final result is only worth the energy and practice you put into it.

Sex can be downright tantalizing, or a total snooze-fest — and a lot of it has to do with the amount of effort that you and the woman you’re with put into it.

Different sex positions can be a fun, low-risk way to spice up your sex life… connect better with your partner… and otherwise enjoy sex a whole lot more.

Not to mention that by trying new sex positions, you'll gain a level of sexual confidence and mastery. You'll feel far more competent in the bedroom, which will drive the woman you're with wild with lust (trust me ;-)).

So if you’re ready to switch things up a little, and spice up your sex life… the brand-new sex positions below can mean the difference between boring, mediocre sex, and absolutely mindblowing, drench the sheets, wake-the neighbors sex.

(I don’t know about you, but I’ll take the latter — and as much of it as I can get, please!)

BRAND-NEW: This “Raging Bull Secret” That Helps You Last Longer In Bed Is Almost Sold Out (Click Here to Get It!)

Sex should be something you and your partner continually learn from and improve, in order to keep it fresh, exciting, and enjoyable.

So whether you’re new to having sex…

Looking for more advanced, experimental, or plain different sex positions…

Or looking for different sex positions to drive her wild…

You’ve come to the right place.

Beginner Vs. Intermediate Vs. Advanced: How To Choose the Right Positions For You

In this article, I'm going to walk you through the best different sex positions for:

  • Beginners looking to master basic sex moves
  • Experienced people looking to experiment or learn some new tricks…
  • Those interested in finding moves that drive her wild & take her over the edge…

And much more. I'll show you the 5 best moves for each category, go through what makes them so hot, and explain how to try them out.

But before we begin, you might be wondering:

“How do I know if I'm a beginner or more advanced?”

And ultimately, I can't answer that — only you can honestly answer that question for yourself.

Be honest: are you really adventurous in bed?

Or do you just want to try something new?

Maybe you're looking for some help penetrating the woman you're with deeper…

If you aren't sure, my recommendation is to skim through the “Beginner” positions and move on to the following sections once you feel familiar with those.

While these moves might not work perfectly for everyone, there are variations you can try out and angle adjustment recommendations that will help you perfect each position.

Let's begin with the 5 best different sex positions for beginners:

INSIDER SECRETS: This All-Natural 5-Food Formula Gives You Rock-Hard Erections (Click For The Recipe)…

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

The 5 Best Beginner Sex Positions

Let’s start with the basics. If you’re new to sex, experimenting is something you should look forward to.

But in the meantime, it's important to get comfortable with sex in some basic (yet amazing) positions that will help you gain confidence & sexual mastery in bed.

(Speaking of sexual mastery, did you know that only 6% of guys know how to take charge the way women want? Here's why… and how to do it.)

While basic, yes, these positions are also sex staples. Every sexually active guy should be able to impress a woman with these fundamental moves.

However, there is one thing to keep in mind:

Make sure you pay attention to your partner's responses to your moves — especially when you're first having sex with her.

This is the key to determining what she likes and doesn't like. And ultimately, it will make for better sex for you both.

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

1) Missionary

This is a great beginner position and go to for many…

The Missionary position gets a really bad rap. A lot of women say it's boring…


And too simple…

Which is pretty unfair, considering how popular it is.

While yes, Missionary can be boring (let's face it, any position can be boring if you aren't trying), it's a staple sex position for a reason.

Here's why:

  • It's comfortable and simple, so you won't get nervous when you're doing it…
  • It allows you to truly connect with the woman you're with. You can lock eyes with her and really explore what she likes…
  • Finally, it offers a deeper sense of intimacy…

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

So to pull it off, have your girl lie down flat on her back with her legs spread apart.

THE LATEST: 3 Rough Sex Moves She’ll BEG You for More Of (Even If She's A “Good Girl”)…

Kneel over her body (almost like you're doing a push-up).

You can have her legs spread around yours, or vice versa — do whatever feels most comfortable for you.

(In a recent poll, 22.5% of women revealed that missionary was one of their favorite go-to's) 

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

2) Standing Missionary

Standing Missionary is a great way to switch it up…

This slight variation on the traditional position feels a little naughtier but is actually just as easy to do.

Simply have the woman you're with lay down toward the bottom of the bed, so her butt is just above the edge.

Stand in front of the bed (leaving a few inches between you and the mattress), and hold her legs or have her wrap them around you.

RELATED: 5 Raunchy-As-Hell Sexts That Get Her to Come Over & Strip Down Naked For You…

To be honest, this position is even simpler to achieve than standard Missionary for many people, because you don't have to worry about holding up your own body weight.

If you find there are height differences making it difficult for you to enter her easily — try raising her up by placing a pillow under her hips.

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

3) Sitting Girl on Top

Add in a chair for this hot on top position…

“Girl on Top” is a great position for your lady to show you what she likes. However, it can be a little intimidating if you've never tried it before.

To make things a little bit easier, try this modified position where both of you are sitting down.

To begin, sit on the couch or bed and have her climb on top of you, slowly lowering herself down onto your shaft.

Let her then rock up and down or in a circular motion until you both climax.

What makes this position so great is that it allows the two of you to experience the closeness and intimacy you get with Missionary… while also letting you both sit back, relax, and focus on your pleasure.

Pro Tip: Pay attention to what makes her moan, and keep it in mind for next time.

Bonus Pro Tip: If you wanna go even deeper inside her (but aren't that big “down there”)… then these 3 “Deep Penetration Positions for Guys With Small Penises” should help a lot (don't worry–I won't tell anyone)!

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

4) Modified Doggy Style

Try out this modified Doggy position for a deeper angle…

Many people — both men and women — enjoy doing the deed Doggy Style. A recent survey reveals that doggy style is the #1 preferred position.

But if you're new to sex, this position can seem a little intense.

Plus, until you get enough practice in, it's important to wait on this one to avoid hurting your partner.

So to modify this position, have her lay on her stomach with a pillow or two underneath. This helps raise her butt up without changing the nuts and bolts of it too much.

It also gives you a better angle to enter her from behind without getting too rough.

Go slowly at first to make sure the angle is good for both of you — you can also add or remove pillows from underneath her as needed.

Sex therapist Moushumi Ghose adds, “This position is great—from slow, deep thrusting and quick, shallow thrusts. Start slow, and then go faster. Alternate between deep and shallow. In this variation, there is more skin-to-skin contact, and breasts, nipples, clitoris, and anus are all within easy reach. One partner can nibble the other's ears, kiss their neck, or breathe dirty-sweet phrases down their back.”

Modified Doggy Style is a great way to experiment with sex in a “safe” way, so you can try traditional Doggy Style later on down the road.

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

5) Modified Girl on Top

Try out this modified on top position for some added fun…

If you're aching to try Girl on Top but the woman you're with seems hesitant, try compromising with this position instead.

It's different from the Sitting Girl on Top I mentioned above because there's no sitting involved here — she's laying on top of you instead.

However, what separates it from traditional Girl on Top is that she's leaning over you, using her hands to lift her own body weight.

You can even think of it as a slightly reversed Missionary position. Plus, you can help her out by thrusting from beneath her.

And once you've mastered these moves, you can switch them up a bit to prevent them from becoming too repetitive.

BONUS: This 5-Finger “Tantra Technique” Gives Her Multiple Explosive Orgasms!


Try changing the location you're having sex in, or you could try slightly tweaking the positioning as well.

Never underestimate the power of raising her up to a different angle or slightly modifying a position. 🙂

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

The 5 Best Intermediate Sex Positions

Have you already mastered the basics…?

Or maybe you're just looking for more of a challenge in bed…?

Perhaps you and your girlfriend are wanting to experiment, but you don't know exactly where to start.

These 5 positions will be great stepping stones into your experimentation with sex. Plus, many of them can be performed with props or bondage techniques to really kick it up a notch.

6) Doggy Style

This is a great position to try out when you first start spicing things up…

If you've never tried this beloved position before or if you're looking to get more experimental, Doggy Style is the perfect place to start.

It's a great introduction to rougher sex and can be intensely pleasurable for both you and the woman you're with.

To perfect this position, have her kneel down on the bed, then lower her upper body so she's on her hands and knees.

Kneel or lay down behind her and enter her from behind.

Also, keep in mind that you will probably have to play with the angle after you enter her.

For example, a 90-degree (perpendicular) angle of entry might not feel amazing for her…

But using pillows or having her lower her head down could help bend her body so that you're entering from an angle she loves.

If you've already mastered this position or you're looking to kick things up a notch, then Doggy Style is also a great way to start experimenting with anal sex.

Start with toys first, and tweak the angle until both of you are comfortable enough to go for it.

For an added little bit of kink, try riding her while pulling her hair or tying her down.

(As a woman, I can tell you that most of us want you to be really rough with us in bed… here are 3 ways to do it I promise she'll love.)

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

7) Spread Eagle

This is a great position to explore some light BDSM…

If you’re really looking to spice up your sex life, there’s nothing better than a move that requires some minor bondage.

The Spread Eagle is an incredible position for anyone interested in dabbling with BDSM or just looking for some extra fun in bed.

To perfect this position, have her lie down on her back. Next, have her lift her legs and arms up in the air.

If you'd like, you can make it so that her legs and arms touch.

And to be even kinkier, you can tie her legs and her arms together. Make sure the knot is tight, but not too tight to cut off her circulation.

Finally, enter her from above (similar to Missionary).

This puts you in complete control of the situation, which is ideal if you're looking to play with Dominant/Submissive roles.

Even if you aren't into BDSM, this position can be extremely thrilling, so long as there is complete trust between you and your partner.

This is also a great position if you're not “huge” down there and wanna penetrate her really deep… so that she gets that “fullness” feeling she craves (click here to find out how to go deeper inside of her more often!)

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

8) Reverse Cowgirl

Say goodbye to missionary with the Reverse Cowgirl

Giddy up, cowboy!

Put her in the driver’s seat with this incredible position.

This variation of Girl on Top offers her more control over the situation, while also allowing you to relax more. Plus, you get a great view while you're doing it.

Lie flat on your back or at an angle and have her straddle you so that she's facing your feet. She can then use her thighs to swivel and bounce up and down.

3 SEXY PORNSTARS REVEAL: “D**k Size Doesn’t Matter During Sex… But THIS Does!”

To make it a little more intense and to give her some more leverage, bend your knees so she can use them to help lift her body up and down.

And if you want to take this position even further, have her tie you down so you're unable to do anything except lay back and enjoy the ride.

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

9) Inclined Doggy Style

If you have stairs you're definitely going to want to try out this position…

Wanna experiment with some angles? This position is perfect for you.

It's one of the most inventive modifications to traditional Doggy Style and might be just what you need to spice up your sex life.

You'll need stairs to make this happen, and it's also a great position for both vaginal and anal sex — I'll let you decide.

To pull it off, have the woman you're with kneel on a stair and let her lean forward with her upper body so that she's resting on the steps above her legs.

Then you do the same, except your upper body will rest on hers as you enter her from behind.

It's one of the best ways to figure out what angles drive both of you wild and can be the perfect “gateway drug” to start experimenting with sex in strange places.

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

10) Wet and Wild

Try out this position for some extra fun in the shower…

You don't have to incorporate brand-new moves into the bedroom to experiment — instead, try changing your environment.

Shower sex can be a lot of fun (as long as you're careful), so if you're looking to switch up your sex routine, just add water.

To be successful at shower sex, make sure you have an awesome silicone-based lube for her and something sturdy for you to hold on to.

You can try a standing Doggy Style position where she bends over, or you could also try standing face to face while you penetrate her (bend her leg for support).

Experimenting with sex is a fun part of any healthy relationship, so don't let the positions do all the work for you.

Try incorporating dirty talk…

Sex toys…


Or other props that you both agree will really help push things to the next super-sexy level.

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

The 5 Best Positions for MAXIMUM Pleasure

While sex is usually a lot of fun for most of us ladies…

It can still be really difficult to actually have an orgasm during the deed (even if what you're doing feels really, really good).

However, while orgasming during sex can be a real challenge for most women — it's definitely not impossible.

(Like did you know her orgasm is 80% more likely if you can do this to her? It's so freaking easy too.)

One of the easiest ways for a woman to orgasm through intercourse is by placing her in the driver's seat. This way, she can stimulate her body the way she wants.

Of course, there are also ways for you to control her movements while also blowing her mind.

So if you want to do everything you can to give her the sexual pleasure she craves, try adding one (or more) of these sex positions to your arsenal.

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

11) The Fusion

This Fusion position is great for more intense orgasms…

This position is a little more complicated to pull off, but it's so worth the effort.

It offers better movement control for her while providing you with the best view in the house. 😉

To perfect this position, sit on the bed with your legs spread. Then lean back and prop yourself up using the palms of your hands.

From there, have her sit facing you between your legs, and prop her legs up on your shoulders. She'll also be leaning back slightly and supporting her weight with her palms.

This position allows her to move up and down or in circles, providing faster and more intense orgasms for both of you.

It also allows you to go deeper inside her… filling her up even if you're not that big (here are 3 other great positions that help if you aren't that big “down there”).

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

12) The Waterfall

Try out this Waterfall technique for a whole new angle and deeper penetration…

This position doesn't take place in the shower — instead, it's named after the way it looks.

Not only does it provide better control over movements for her, but it also ensures you have one of the best orgasms of your life.

Try it out by laying flat on your back (toward the foot of the bed).

Slowly slide your head and back off of the bed so that your head and shoulders are on the floor.

INSIDER SECRETS: 3 Shocking Under-The-Radar Touches That Get Hot Girls to BEG You For Sex…

At this point, your body will be arched in a kind of waterfall shape. Next, have her sit on top of you — from there, she can press her heels against the edge of the bed and grind up and down, moving her hips in circles.

The real secret to this trick is that the blood in your body is going to rush to your head, making your orgasm much more intense than you ever thought possible.

It's also fantastic for her because she can tease you while building up to her own orgasm.

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

13) Lowered Reverse Cowgirl


Try out this tweaked version of Reverse Cowgirl…

Similar to Reverse Cowgirl, this move keeps the woman in control of all movements.

What makes it different here is that her body will be in a better position to actually navigate her movements more precisely — this increases her chances of reaching orgasm significantly.

To pull off this position, get into the standard Reverse Cowgirl position.

From there, have her lower herself down to your legs or feet, and she can use the palms of her hands and her knees to help support her body.

This will offer her better control over her movements, allowing her to hit all the right spots… including her elusive “A-Spot” deep inside her (most women don't even know about this)

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

14) Pinball Wizard

Make her orgasm hard with the Pinball Wizard move..

Did you grow up on arcade games? Pinball, perhaps?

Well, consider this the “adult” version of pinball.

This position gives you control of the situation and also makes it easier to bring the woman you're with to orgasm.

What's better, it can also be done as rough (or “vanilla”) as you want and can be modified in a few different ways.

To perfect this position, kneel down on the bed and have her lay in front of you.

Lift her legs up and grip her thighs to help thrust in and out.

You can modify this slightly by having her lace her ankles around your neck or over your shoulders.

This steamy position not only feels naughtier than most… but it's also a great way to give her an easy orgasm (the odds of a woman having an orgasm are increased anytime her legs are in the air because it helps you go deeper inside of her).

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

15) Magic Mountain

Make sex into a fun ride with this Magic Mountain move…

The “Magic Mountain” doesn't just sound like a fun ride at an amusement park… it also feels amazing.

It makes it equally easy for both you and the woman you're with to control your movements — and on top of that, it makes it way easier for her to finish during sex.

THE LATEST: These 3 Tinder Secrets Will get You Laid Tonight…

Put a stack of pillows on the floor. Have the woman you're with lean over the pillows and “relax” into them.

Her back should naturally arch.

You want to lay on her back so that your chest is “glued” to her. Your arms should be on top of hers.

Then enter her from behind, just like doggie style.

You can now safely go “all-out” with your thrusts, since she has plenty of padding.

But it also gives her an increased sense of connection and skin-to-skin contact.

The best part about this move is that there's a shared sense of sexual control.

At the end of the day, sex should be fun for both you and the woman you're with… and these positions should certainly help you get there.

But, Don’t Forget THE #1 Most Important Thing…

So now that I’ve blown your world open with:

-Easy sex positions you might have forgotten about…

-Much-needed updates on your go-to sex positions…

-And mind-blowing new sex positions to try…

Let me offer one more valuable piece of advice.

Boys, if you want to get her to climax (again and again and again), a new and exciting sex position can be a great way to get there.

But there’s something else you should know.

We all appreciate the  variety. Slowly some of the time, and like a jackhammer at other times…

Upside down, right side up, her on top, you on top, regular cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, from bed to floor to the shower onto the front lawn into the neighbor’s hot tub…

Variety is the spice of life, and trying out new sex positions is a great way to get her interested in having sex with you again and again.

Whether you’re impressing a new lady or you’ve been together forever, these new sex positions are bound to keep her coming back for more.

But there’s one importing word there, gentlemen: coming.

After all, that’s the goal. Don’t leave your girl out in the cold.

But how can you ensure you get her to orgasm?

Variety is great. Your expertise in fun new sex positions will impress her and capture her attention. You’ll be the subject of all of her fantasies.

But, you’ve also got to make sure you get her there.

It’s far too easy for guys to get really into mixing it up, switching it up, jackhammering away, and going super fast.

If you want to make sure she finishes, boys, you’ve got to pay close attention.

Take careful note of which new sex position she’s really enjoying.

She’ll let you know: moaning, closing her eyes, clutching you, telling you not to stop.

While all of these new sex positions will be pleasurable for both of you, some of them will get her there more than others.

Every woman is different, so it’s up to you to figure out which new sex positions do the job.

Do that by paying attention to her body language.

And then…

Slow down.

Keep doing what you’re doing.

Don’t change right away, unless you’re purposely holding her right on the edge of orgasm and not letting her climax (you naughty man, you).

Once you find something that’s really working for her, stick with it. Be patient. Make small adjustments while you pay attention to what she really likes.

She’ll be coming like a fountain in no time, and that means she’ll be coming back to you again and again.

Which is perfect, right? Because you’ve got even more new sex positions to try. (You’re welcome!)

NOW… I've gotta confess — there is one more thing you can do to make sure you're the best she's ever had.

(If you've been paying attention so far… you might already be able to guess it :-):

It's honestly my favorite thing a guy can do during sex… here's how it works:

15 Different Sex Positions You Haven't Tried Before

How to Go MUCH Deeper Inside Her… (& Hit Her Elusive “A-Spot”)

A lot of women know how to come from touching their clitorises…

And some even can guide a guy to hit their “G-Spot” consistently…

But there's one “secret spot” deep inside a woman that reliably makes her climax more than anywhere else.

It's got its own weird name… and it's often why women prefer guys with “bigger” penises…

…though there is definitely an easy way to consistently hit this deep “secret spot” WITHOUT having a big unit.

Namely, it's these 3 “deep penetration sex positions” that work even if you're well “below-average” down there

Each one is scientifically-designed to increase your odds of hitting her “secret spot” during sex… even if you're only “average” (or especially if you're “below average”) downstairs.

Plus there's also a great free bonus that'll help you hit this secret spot on-command, whenever you want–check it out here:

3 “Deep Penetration Sex Positions” For Guys With Small Penises (Hits Her “Secret Spot” Every Time

[Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on May 6, 2020.]

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The post 15 Different Sex Positions You Haven’t Tried Before appeared first on Gotham Club.

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